TURMEL: National Citizens Inquiry Application to speak https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/ A Citizen-Led Inquiry Into Canada's COVID-19 Response Canada's federal and provincial governments' COVID-19 policies were unprecedented. These interventions into Canadians' lives, our families, businesses, and communities were, and to great extent remain, significant. In particular, these interventions impacted the physical and mental health, civil liberties and fundamental freedoms, jobs and livelihoods, and overall social and economic wellbeing of nearly all Canadians. These circumstances demand a comprehensive, transparent, and objective national inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of these interventions, and to determine what lessons can be learned for the future. Such an inquiry cannot be commissioned or conducted impartially by our governments as it is their responses and actions to the COVID-19 which would be under investigation. The National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) is a citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative that is completely independent from government. In early 2023, the NCI will hear from Canadians and experts and investigate governments' COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner. The NCI's purpose is to listen, to learn, and to recommend. What went right? What went wrong? How can Canadians and our governments better react to national crises in the future in a manner that balances the interests of all members of our society? Why is the National Citizens' Inquiry Necessary? Guiding Principles Objectives Commissioners For Media Inquiries, contact us HERE. Canadians to Testify: 33 Experts to Testify: 43 Hearings: 8 https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/expert-witnesses/ EXPERT WITNESSES The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Truro, Nova Scotia Canada. This event takes place starting March 16th to March 18th. 1: Dr. Peter McCullough - Renowned cardiologist. 2: Dr. Patrick Phillips - Family Physician. 3: Dr. Laura Braden - Immunologist. 4: Dr. Chris Milburn - ER Physician. 5: Dr. Joseph Fraiman - US ER Physician and COVID Analyst. 6: Dr. Dion Davidson - Vascular surgeon. 7: Dr. Aris Lavranos- Former ER physician and practicing lawyer. You can learn more about them here. The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Toronto, Canada. This event takes place starting March 30th to April 1st 1: Dr. Eric Payne - Pediatric Neurologist 2: Rodney Palmer - Former CBC Investigative Journalist. 3: Irvin Studin - Expert in Constitutional Law. 4: Deanna McLeod - Medical Researcher. 5: Michael Alexander - Toronto Lawyer. 6: Jay McCurdy - Elementary School teacher. 7: Cindy Campbell - Nursing Academic 8: Catherine Swift - National President of Canadian Small Business Manufacturers 9: Laura Jeffrey - Ontario Mortician 10: Bruce Pardy - Lawyer 11: Greg Hill - Pilot and ex Captain with Air Canada 12: Dr. Robert Malone - Developer for the mRNA technology 13: Dr. Mark Trozzi - Outspoken critic of Covid policies in Canada You can learn more about them here. The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Winnipeg, Canada. This event takes place starting April 13th to April 15th. 1: Natalie Bjorklund Gordon- Geneticist and Epidemiologist 2: Stephen Theriault - Medical microbiologist. 3: Jessica Rose - EXPERT on the VAERS data. 4: Staff Sgt Rick Abott - Edmonton Police Officer. 5: Jay Bhattacharya - Professor of Medicine at Stanford 6: Jeffrey Tucker- Founder of the Brownstone Institute 7: Deanne McLeod- Medical Researcher The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Saskatoon, Canada. This event takes place starting April 20 to April 22 1: Dr. Francis Christian- Surgeon 2: Ryan Orydzuk- Occupational Health and Safety Expert 3: James Kitchen - Canadian litigation lawyer 4: Steve Kirsch - Entrepreneur and Covid researcher 5: Ann McCormack - Retired Pharmacist 6: Maria Gutschi - Academic Pharmacist and researcher 7: Leighton Grey - Litigation lawyer 8: Professor Magda Havas - Environmental toxicologist The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Red Deer, Canada. This event takes place starting April 26 to April 28. 1: David Redman - Expert in Emergency Management Agencies 2: Dr. Eric Payne - Pediatric Neurologist 3: Dr. Justin Chin - ER physician 4: Catherine Christensen - Litigation Lawyer representing Canadian Military veterans. 5: Greg Chan - Family Physician 6: Gary Davidson- ER Physician 7: Scott Crawford- Paramedic 8: Dean Beaudry- Risk Management Specialist 9: Pastor James Coates - Pastor Grace Life Church 10: Deanna McLeod - Medical Researcher. The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Vancouver, Canada. Dates and times for this event are still being finalized. 1: Gail Davidson - Constitutional Lawyer 2: Matthew Evans Cockle - researcher. 3: Dr. Richard Schabas - Former Ontario Public Health Officer. 4: Alan Cassels - Public Administrator 5: William Warren Munroe - Prior Provincial Government Population Analyst for British Columbia 6: James Kitchen - Litigation lawyer 7: Jeff Sandes - Journalist The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in the city of Ottawa, Canada. Dates and times for this event are still being finalized. 1: Kyle Gries - Chiropractor 2: Denis Rancourt - Physics Professor and COVID researcher 3: Jeff Wilson - ex Public Health Official and researche The National Citizen's Inquiry Hearings Event in Quebec. Dates and times for this event are still being finalized 1: Denis Rancourt - Physics Professor and COVID researcher 2: Patrick Prevost - Professor at Laval University NCI Announces Hearings And Commissioners NCI Website: Canada's Response To Covid-19 NCI Announces First Commissioners And Hearing Dates! Call For Witnesses Now Open! Preston Manning Launches Call for Commissioners! NDP Follow Lead Of Citizen Led NCI Also Calls For Federal Inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witnesses/form WITNESSES BECOME A PART OF HISTORY: TESTIFY AT THE NATIONAL CITIZENS' INQUIRY All Canadians and foreign experts are eligible to apply to testify at the NCI Hearings. Please carefully read the information and guidelines below before applying. Please note that as we are receiving hundreds of applications, we will only be contacting candidates selected to continue in the screening process. Be assured, however, that all credible personal stories submitted through the NON-EXPERT application portal will be published by the NCI. Personal stories published in this matter may not necessarily form part of the evidence considered by the NCI Commission. NON-EXPERT Witness Application Form "Non-Expert" witnesses are any individual who believes they have been harmed directly or indirectly by any of the COVID- 19 measures. You may consult the NCI's research here to learn more about the kinds of "personal harms" Canadians have already identified. Examples include: Disruption in the lives/education of children/students Impaired mental health due to isolation Business or job loss due to restrictions Job loss due to vaccination mandates Delayed or denied healthcare for non-COVID-19 matters Adverse reaction(s) to COVID-19 vaccines Reputational and/or professional discipline or censorship for expressing contrarian views Restrictions of fundamental liberties, such as speech, association, or travel EXPERT Witness Application Form "Expert" witnesses are individuals who give testimony based on their expertise, experience, and/or education in one or more specific fields relevant to the COVID-19 measures. Examples include: Doctors & scientists (e.g., epidemiologist, pathologist) Lawyers & public servants Economists & professors Journalists Psychologists Please consult these guidelines prior to applying as either an expert or non-expert witness. If selected to testify, we strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with these guidelines. They will assist you with delivering more impactful and succinct testimony. NCI Witness Guidelines Follow NCI On Social Media: Follow the NCI on Facebook Follow the NCI on Twitter Follow the NCI on TikTok Follow the NCI on Rumble Follow the NCI on YouTube Turmel Application Form: nciexprt.txt Expert Witness Form Who is submitting this form? I am an expert witness offering to testify This form is written as if the expert is applying themselves. If you are suggesting an expert witness, please provide as much of the requested information as you can. Witness name * John First Name Turmel Last Name Email johnturmel@yahoo.com Phone 519-753-5122 Address 68 Brant Ave. Brantford ON N3T 3H1 Canada What topic best describes your testimony? * What testimony would you provide? * Please describe briefly. 250 word maximum. Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold by comparingCovid 3.4% Case Fatality Rate CFR not to Flu 10% CFR but to its 0.1% Infection Fatality Rate IFR to hype a mini-flu into a plague to scare the population into accepting lockdowns and vaccines to escape lockdowns. Briefly outline your expertise and list any credentials that you hold related to your testimony. I have a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and was Teaching Assistant of Canada's only Mathematics of Gambling course at Carleton University in the 1970s and accepted as an expert witness by Federal Tax Court of Canada in Epel v. The Queen, 2003 TCC 707and cited by the Ontario Court of Appeal in the 1995 Martin's Criminal Code of Canada as an "exceptionally skilled professional gambler. CV: Please upload a copy of your CV Choose File http://SmartestMan.Ca/credits Would you want to testify in person or virtually? Virtually If you cannot testify in person, you could be brought in virtually to one of the hearings that you do not live near of. Is there any following months you could contribute testimony after May 2023? Any time. Please specify Is there anything that might affect your credibility as a witness (e.g., past criminal conviction, perceived or real conflict of interest, etc.)? No. Please explain in 250 words or less. I consent to the National Citizens' Inquiry's use of the information I provide to assist in planning the Inquiry's hearings, and to being contacted as a potential witness by a member of the NCI team. * SUBMIT JCT: So let's see if they're interested in hearing how they were tricked by an Apple Orange comparison.