TURMEL: Covid Protest $880 Ticket Trial on Feb 7 in Brantford Brantford Provincial Offences Act Hybrid Court Appearance Offence Number 0260 999 00 1232657E00 Officer No.258 Enforcement Agency 30310 John Turmel You are charged: On the 3rd day April 2021 at 3pm at Brantford You did commit the offence of Fail to Comply/Obstruction S.7.0.2 contrary to the REOPENING ONTARIO ACT section 10(1) The total payable Set Fine, Costs, and Victim Surcharge as indicated on your Offence Notice: $880.00 TAKE NOTICE that on the 7th day of February 2023 at 1:30pm your trial will be held at #1 102 Wellington St. Brantford N3T2M2 Note that the prosecutor may rely upon certified statements and/or certificate evidence pursuant to S.48.1 of the Provincial Offences Act. You and your witnesses should be ready for trial at that time. The prosecutor, a witness or a justice of the peace may participate by electronic method. You have the right to receive disclosure of the evidence that may be used at your trial. You must request disclosure from the prosecutor immediately for it to be processed and ready prior to your trial. Issued at Brantford POA Office this 28th day of December 2022. Clerk/Justice JCT: Should be quite the show. Report http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19141.txt All reports at http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19reps