TURMEL: Jim Karahalios must lead the fight. info@newblueontario.com CC: johnspina@newblueontario.com, MRTAD@hotmail.com In my last post to you: "Jim Karahalios: Steal the Show seeking False Alarm Declaration," I mentioned how your Milton candidate John Spina had been fired from his 13-year job for refusing to take the vaccine and how he saw that getting a judge to declare that he had been fired from his job over a false alarm was grounds to get his job back with compensation. At the Monday meeting in Waterloo, I met your Brantford candidate Tad Brudzinski who also lost his job for refusing to take the vax and who also liked asking for his job back after getting a judge to declare that he had been fired from his job over a false alarm. There are tens of thousands of people out there who have lost their jobs for refusing to take the vax or will lose their jobs for refusing who would love to have a judge declare Covid a false alarm. My info details how WHO compared the 3.4% Covid CFR (Case Fatality Rate) to the hundredfold too small 0.1% Flu IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) to hype the Covid Mortality a hundredfold. They tricked us with an Apple Orange comparison and the only people who noticed were Gateway Pundit. And now me. I mentioned how Dr. Joffe found 63% of his vaxed patients now had blood clots. Extrapolating, 20 million out of 32 million vaxed Canadians should have micro-clots too. I mentioned how Ottawa U found 1/500 had Myocarditis. Extrapolating, over 60,000 Canadians should die of heart damage in the next 5 years. From my poem: http://SmartestMan.Ca/fauci "We made a big mistake" said Dr. Bridle in alarm, "We didn't know the spike could travel, heart and brain to harm." When spike attaches in an artery, we find the flow, Impaired enough to have the blood clots start around to grow. Clots start in capillaries so you'll not yet feel the threat. As pumping blood gets harder, watch as bigger clots you'll get. With capillaries clogged by clots from spikes, it may be said, If you and kids took jab, your clots now make you Walking Dead, Though Trudeau said the shots were safe, effective, not to fear, He'll even pay your funeral expenses, what a dear! Would you have taken jab if Crown Ben Wong had Trudeau told, Covid Mortality was over hyped by hundredfold? Would you have taken jab if Justice Crampton had us told, That Apple Orange were compared to hype by hundredfold? Would you have taken clot shot if Judge Aylen said: Behold The CFR to IFR's too small by hundredfold? Would you have taken jab if Justice Zinn had us all told, Comparing Apple Orange hyped the threat by hundredfold? Would you have taken jab if Randy Hillier had you told... Would you have taken clot shot if Max Bernier had you told... Would you have taken jab if Julie Ponesse had told... Would you have taken jab if MPPs had us all told... And I mentioned how large groups who have used my Federal Court templates in the past were stayed pending the result for a Lead Plaintiff and paid no costs when their actions were dismissed other than the $2 online filing fee. Only Lead Plaintiff paid $1,000 in costs. I urged you to be the Lead Plaintiff in asking the Court to declare the false alarm so John and Tad could ask for their jobs back with compensation. And no response. http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19 has details. I gave Randy Hillier my flyer explaining the Apple Orange trick hoping he would help get the declaration of false alarm. He was too busy decrying how we need our freedom. I gave Max Bernier the flyer with the Apple Orange trick in the last election and asked him to help get the declaration of false alarm. He was too busy decrying the pain and damages. These are no answer when the government says they're doing it to us for our own good. Only: "Tricking us wasn't for our own good" is a winning answer. So Max led his anti-vax supporters over a cliff while he had a winning card in hand. And before you do the same, I am urging you to check the math, you did 3 years of engineering after all, you're supposed to be good in math, good enough to be insulted at being tricked by an Apple Orange comparison. I'm amazed you haven't seen the power of the plugging up the courts from our homes rather than plugging up Ottawa streets with trucks. All your candidates could file behind you, their supporters could file behind you. Those who want their jobs back or to not lose them could file behind you. You could cram the Registry and Ministry of Justice with files at no costs to your supporters but the $2 filing fee. And I said that if you took the ball, I wouldn't have to run in the Brantford riding for my Guinness Record 104th election in 43 years promoting interest-free Bank of Canada credit cards for all. If you don't carry the ball, I will have to run to tell voters about the false alarm you refused to tell them about. Would you've been jabbed if Jim Karahalios had you told... Covid Mortality was false alarm by hundredfold? So Randy Hillier has the blood of his family and friends on his hands who took the jab while he knew the threat was a false alarm, Max Bernier has the blood of his family and friends on his hands who took the jab while he knew the threat was a false alarm, and soon you will have the blood of your family and friends on your hands who take the jab while you knew the threat was a false alarm? They've let millions of Canadians get clots, billions around the world, tens of thousands get Myocarditis, 15 million around the world, don't you fail us too. Be a hero, lead the fight to get a judge to declare John and Tad were fired over a false alarm. Even if the Leader won't lead, I will urge all your candidates and supporters to file under another Lead Plaintiff.