TURMEL: Judge Trent Horne sets 6-week timetable for strike motion JCT: I filed an action to strike the vax requirement for air travel issued by the Minister of Justice on Jan 15 2022. Documents: 220219 Action to strike Air Travel Vax Requirement like Peckford http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19100.txt 220222 Motion for Unvaxed Travel Ban Exemption for False Alarm http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19102.txt 220311 Judge sets timetable for Crown motion to strike action At the hearing, the Crown said that they were going to make a motion to strike our action for "no cause of action." We have no reason to be angry about having our rights restricted by being tricked into thinking Covid was a plague when it was really a mild flu. The Crown presented a timetable of 6 weeks. I pointed out that taking our time was going to cost lives. I could mention that Dr. Joffe found 63% of his vaxed patients had D-Dimer tests showing blood clots. So of the 26 million Canadians who have taken their vax, 16 million should have clots. And with 50,000 new vaccinations in the past week, that's 32,000 new Canadians with blood clots. So 6 more weeks would mean 300,000 more vaxed with 200,000 new clotteds. I also pointed out the Ottawa U survey that found one myocarditis adverse effect victim per 1,000 doses mean one heart problem per double-dosed patient. 1/500 will get Myocarditis. And Myocarditis is permanent heart damage that usualy kills within 5 years. So 100 per new 50,000 patients means 600 expected victims in 300,000 new vaxed. Sadly, the judge agreed with the Crown timetable. 180 Queen Street West Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario M5V 3L6 March 11, 2022 VIA EMAIL RE: T-277-22 JOHN TURMEL v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Direction of Case Management Judge Horne dated March 11, 2022: "Further to a case management conference on March 11,2022, the defendant's motion to strike and for security for costs will be determined before the plaintiff's motion for a personal constitutional exemption. The defendant has elected to bring its motion in writing. Materials will be exchanged on the following timetable: i. the defendant shall serve a notice of motion and supporting affidavits by March 18, 2022; ii. any reply affidavits from the plaintiff shall beserved by March 25, 2022; iii. cross-examinations, if any, shall be conducted by April 1, 2022; iv. the defendant's motion record shall be servedand filed by April 8, 2022; v. the plaintiff's responding motion record shall beserved and filed by April 15, 2022. The plaintiffmay indicate in his written representations anyreasons why the motion should not be disposedof in writing (subrule 369(2)).; and vi. the defendant's written representations in replyshall be served and filed by April 22, 2022. The parties may, but are not required to, agree to earlier deadlines, particularly if cross-examinations are not conducted." JCT: So even if we skip affidavits and examinations, we still get stalled the full 6 weeks. I have mentioned that the Crown is hoping the restriction gets dropped so they can say the action has now been mooted. So 6 weeks to end it to scuttle my case. So what I'm going to do is prepared another template Statement of Claim on the violation of mobility right that anyone else can use. Remember, in our first case that was thrown out because it asked to have "any" restriction based on the false alarm and there had to be a restriction to strike down. Now we have the air-travel restriction. In that case, the Crown didn't object to me being named Lead Plaintiff while other cases were stayed. Stayed plaintiffs would have the chance to continue if I lost or just give up with no costs. I pay costs, the others do not! The Crown then pointed out I owed costs from previous cases and should be made to post security for costs. They've brought that up again so I won't be the Lead Plaintiff in this action since they asked. I'll write the documentation and let some other Lead Plaintiff file it and take the fight to the top. Since I pay the costs if it loses, I'll pay the costs for another Lead Plaintiff if it loses. Since my Statement of Claim for the first C19 action was http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf and the template for others was: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19sc.pdf My new "b" action is named http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19bscjc.pdf and the template for others will be http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19bsc.pdf Stay tuned. I'll announce when it's ready (soon) and also post it my documents page: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19docs.htm If the Crown agrees to drop the demand for security, I'll be Lead. If not, I won't.