TURMEL: 3 days left to make Covid Mortality Hoax viral JCT: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gigUyK3yLtMU/ MUST WATCH!!! FUNERAL DIRECTOR JOHN O'LOONEY BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON COVID I've been saying the Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold and the funeral director reports having seen little effect of the pandemic. Knows of zero kids who died. He warns that if we don't act now, it won't do any good in a year when we're in a quarantine camp. You candidates who have not exposed the hoax, remember when you find yourselves in Trudeau's camps that you could have stopped it. The chains are being put on us. Oppression of the Hesitants! How can you sit there and watch it arrive and not speak up? UN to require world leaders be vaccinated in order to speak before assembly https://justthenews.com/world/un-require-world-leaders-be-vaccinated-order-speak-assembly JCT: Doesn't it cheer you up to know the world leaders will be leading the way in getting their clots. Har har har har har har. I heard there will be a demo at 1pm Saturday Sep 18 at the Owen Sound City Hall, 2 hours away, the last before the election so I'm going. The People's Party candidate Anna- Marie Fosbrooke will be there so I'll get the chance to promote her as one of the sharpies in her party. I've been to demonstrations in Brantford, Toronto, Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Tilsonburg, St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, Kitchener, Stratford, Owen Sound makes ten. It's sad to think Canadians will go to the polls to vote for their favorite colors without finding out that the reason for the clot shots was a Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold Hoax! Sad they weren't told by the losers who could have won had they warned them. Here's one of my recommendations: Crystelle Bourguignon Apple Orange Resistance Sep 14 2021 My name is Crystelle Bourguignon and I represent Free Party of Canada. The only party who will immediately demand the suspension of the experimental injection of Covid-19 for the entire population. Also, we will demand an independent and public national inquiry into the management of the pandemic. Like and Share so that poeple know that we exist. This is our chance to turn things around. https://www.facebook.com/Crystelle-Bourguignon-Parti-Libre-du-Canada-106723615070698 JCT: Over 50 Free Party candidates out of the 160 minor parties I've recommended. With 180 People's Party candidates to round out the roster of candidates most likely to be happy to learn that the Pandemic was a Trick. You have to wonder what kind of monsters could do this to us. Those being paid big money and promised the antidote could help kill off the majority of the rest of us. The silver lining for the unvaxed, once the vaxed have died off, there'll me more to inherit for us survivors.