c19067 TURMEL: Appeal Aylen Striking Action on Sep 7 JCT: The appeal of the Aylen Order striking my claim will be heard on Sep 7 by zoom call at 10am on Sep 7 2021. If you want an invitation to attend, contact the Registrar Abigail Grimes at abigail.grimes@cas-satj.gc.ca to get an invite to attend the hearing. All other actions are stayed pending my appeals. This is the first appeal. If the judge leaves my action struck, then there's an appeal to 3 Court of Appeal judges and finally an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. If they keep the action struck without a trial, then the others with stayed actions have 30 days to decide if anyone wants to continue despite my loss. I'd bet one person will. Then it gets played again. So if you want to hear what's happening, contact the Registrar by tomorrow to get an invite.