TURMEL: April 25 Stratford Anti-Lockdown Demo Report I went to the Stratford demo. It was originally slated for 55 Queen St. park and when I got there, there were police vehicles blocking the roads. Then I heard that they had moved to protest to the train station. When I got there, I met Randy Hillier, the Ontario Independent spearheading the anti-lockdown movement and gave him a copy of the flyer. We'll get to see how he reacts to finding out how they tricked us. I ran into BonGiovanni Paolo and two other ladies who said they had filed with us. One hadn't gotten a certified Gold Star copy of the Statement of Claim. I wear mine hanging around my neck to show people their official proof of being part of the real Resistance to the Apple Orange hoax. So I remind anyone who did not ask for a certified copy to call the registry and request your trophy. 1-800-663-2096 I realized that mentioning that we were asking the judge for damages for lockdown based on hoax was quite the hit. So I kept handing them out saying: A poem on how they suckered us (tricked, apple-oranged) and how we're asking a judge for damages due to lockdown. I handed out all my 700 flyers http://smartestman.ca/c19flyer.pdf So I don't know how many will act and file. When I handed out 700 flyers in Brantford on Apr 3 (and got a $880 ticket for illegal attendancej), no one filed and only 4 since then. Sadly, I don't expect much from people without a personal push from a couple of our keeners whose personal efforts are responsible for most of the filings. But who knows. We'll see over the next few days. Imagine if Hillier filed. Wouldn't that help it go viral. Or if Rebel News picked it up. They've been told. PS Yesterday, in Hamilton, I had one guy challenge my statement on fluoride being a poison. His argument was that it was too weak to do any harm. I asked him why they put any poison in our water at all, even if not enough to harm. No answer!