TURMEL: Covid Resistance judge offers choice to be left out JCT: At the last hearing of the Original Ten Covid Resistance Plaintiffs, Case Management Judge ("CMJ") Aylen gave them the choice of being stayed pending the result in my file and not getting any info or remaining in action and participating in everything. Back in 2014. there were almost 400 self-represented plaintiffs who attended the hearing of the motion to strike our claims like the Crown wants to do here. I made the main arguments and Justice Phelan invited any others to comment too. After the MMPR regime was struck down in the Allard case, he ruled ours had been mooted and dismissed them with no costs. Some who appealed and later lost got his with costs from the Court of Appeal (around $500) but most did not appeal and lost their original $2 filing fee. In 2017, for another group, a lead plaintiff was appointed which allowed the Crown to not keep them apprised of what was going on. I told our CMJ that I didn't want that happening again and insisted the Crown keep those apprised whom they did not have to serve the motion on! But the Crown refused and the CMJ wouldn't order them to. When asked, a few said they would be stayed, a few said not, and a few wanted more time to decide. So Mar 18 to decide, Mar 24 for Crown to argue they should be stayed, Mar 29 for us to argue we don't want to be, like the Phelan group. And CMJ allowed people to change their minds! So, I have to advise plaintiffs to oppose being stayed and to make the Crown serve a personal copy of a motion on each individual plaintiff. I tried to make it easy on them but now I'm for making it hard on them now that they chose to make it hard on us. For those who have a choice to register, you only have to send an email to Case Management Judge Aylen at fc_reception_cf@cas-satj.gc.ca with copies to benjamin.wong2@justice.gc.ca and me johnturmel@yahoo.com If you said you don't mind being cut out of the proceedings until your case is dismissed if the Crown motion to strike as frivolous, then agree to be stayed pending result. If you want to get copies of everything and attend any more hearings, just say you oppose being stayed. I don't see how being cut out of everything is going to be much fun. It should be quite the show and wouldn't you like another two Gold Stars, one on their motion to strike and the other on any Judgment. And then Appeal to a Judge, and then appeal to 3 judges, and then to 9 at the top. This is only for the Original Ten. I don't know what she's going to ask the next 50 to do unless she stays no one and doesn't have to ask.