2-page 2-column print: http://SmartestMan.Ca/1974col2.pdf

Oh Canada's Debt National had much stability
Til Nineteen Seventy Four starts exponentiality.

petdebt.jpg (5590 bytes)
Same in Ontario, Quebec, debts doubling over time,
Did debts all start to grow in big coincidence sublime?

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The Bank of Canada once loaned to Provinces and Fed,
Without the interest that causes budgets to turn red.
It financed major projects, made St. Lawrence Seaway be,
Trans-Canada was highway funded sea to shining sea.

Not only infrastructure, also paid for World War Two,
With interest-free cash, we almost nothing couldn't do.
The only question then was how the tax should be assessed,
For goods and services? A simple formula to test.

For services, they levied tax at end of every year.
For assets, tax to pay depreciation. Very clear.
With taxes only for depreciation and repair,
So easily affordable without the bankers' share.

But in Nineteen Seventy Four, Pierre Trudeau cut the feed,
Ruled: "No more interest-free loans for infrastructure need.
All governments must borrow now new funds from private banks,
And raise new tax to service interest with bankers' thanks."

We're told that government finance is only for the sage,
Too hard for Mr. Average, its study to engage.
But does it have to be well understood by only few?
Or can the problem be explained for Mr. Av'rage too?

When you were little, did you ever dream of printing cash?
Of filling up your wallet with some money in a flash?
Creating money accurately means TO HAVE THE PLATES,
The stamping of some paper into notes best demonstrates;

Or stamping metal into coins; or blips computerized,
Into your bank account deposits, checks now authorized.
So whether paper, metal, volts of electricity,
TO HAVE THE PLATES is printing money absolutely free.

Now if you printed to spend, the others would bewail,
They'd call it counterfeiting and they'd send you off to jail.
But what if government would let you print it up to lend?
With only what you could collect in interest to spend?

If you could print and lend a thousand out at ten percent,
You'd make a hundred interest on printing that you lent.
But if you could print up and lend a million out you'd get,
An extra hundred thousand dollars for your fee on debt!

If government stops using its own plates and comes to you,
A billion printed nets a hundred million revenue!!
With everybody being taxed to pay you interest,
Of all the scams in history, TO HAVE THE PLATES is best!!!

Though never spending, only lending, riches to await,
To all who with the plates become the loan-sharks to the state.
And though to join the few who thusly profit, one might dream,
Wake up to see we're all the victims of their greedy scheme.

Though governments of old ruled "Bank of Canada run plates,"
Without the interest to middle-men at rip-off rates,
Most governments today to banking industry have lost,
Control of money plates so interest is now a cost.

I'll pay my tax for army and police to handle strife,
I'll pay my tax for doctors, nurses who protect my life,
I'll pay my tax for all engaged repairing road and sewer,
I'll pay my tax for social servants helping out the poor,

I'll even pay my tax for bureaucrats with no regret,
But I object to paying tax for interest on debt.
I'll gladly pay my tax for people's time at useful toil,
But taxing me for money's time will always make me boil.

We now know the unjustly cost that makes our tax inflate,
And only interest is what we must eliminate.
The best solution is to get the plates back from the banks,
Have Bank of Canada control for service charge and thanks.

But worse in Nineteen Sixty Eight, Pierre Trudeau'd lifted cap,
On interest from six percent to sixty, setting trap.
In twelve years central bank rate rose to twenty-two percent.
More tax to service greater debt at higher rate was spent.

Percent of 30 was the rate at chartered banks we saw,
Percent of 40 rate by private lenders under law.
A million families evicted, "mort-gage" could not meet,
With Pierre's high-rate "death-gambles" putting foreclosed on the street.

The reason foisted on them for such suffering high rates,
Was "Interest will fight Inflation!" Economics states.
What fool believes that raising costs can lower prices high?
Yet fell for it, they do, the biggest Economics lie.

Pierre Trudeau is responsible for debts out of control,
For lifting rate cap, ending infrastructure loans, his role.
Our taxes disappear since over 40 years ago,
For interest on Trudeau's debt we didn't have to owe.

If we got back $2 trillion taxed since Pierre helped banks, us, fleece,
Reversing algorithm gets back $60 Grand apiece!
Oh Canada sure could have offered all a living swell,
But Pierre in Nineteen Seventy Four turned Heaven into Hell.

While Justin could make loans again without the usury,
Can we expect but more bad fruit from father's crooked tree?
An Engineering drop-out, prostitute does what he's told,
A follower, a Beta-boy, no Alpha-leader bold.

If Mr. Spock could at computer central all alone,
Upgrade bad code to save a planet from the danger zone.
No help he needed from the low-tech others with no clue,
What Spock can do, The Engineer says: "I can do it too."

If you had Sugar Daddy Bank to lend you all you need,
Without the interest, would that to stress reduction lead?
With rest of life to pay it back, "No Rush" as it can get!
Would you repay or stiff your Sugar Daddy Banker Debt?

The Spock Upgrade for online Bank of Canada account,
A Sugar Daddy credit card, no growth of due amount.
When all your payments go against the Principal of Debt,
You're someday out of Debt and that's as good as Debt can get.

Nov 21 Nov 2023

http://SmartestMan.Ca/biglie for the bankmath
http://SmartestMan.Ca/1974 Mr. Spock Solution poem

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