TURMEL: Crown Affidavit to bar Turmel in courts JCT: The Crown has made an appplication to stop me f from helping eople in the courts. My report on it: https://groups.google.com/g/can.legal/c/V5Byc8dm4Cg I have received a banker's box with 7 large ttomes of information for 68 bcourt cases to show abuse. The original affidavit had 94 page s so I asked themn to give me a pdf that I could highlight and copy and paste but was told I could scan them all myself. So I can't produce a copy with my comments here and have I've uploladed it to my site at http://SmartestMan.Ca/s40aff.pdf The Crown will file a Memorandum based on it and that's when I file mine is when I'll get to make my arguments. I'd be curious to find out how many other people in Canada have been barrred from helping others. Am I the first? Regardless, it's a rare distinction.