TURMEL: Christine Anderson in "Never Again" Tour JCT: Matt Ehret announced that there was going to be a Covid protest banquet in Hamilton and a Bar-B-Que with in St. Catherines with European Member of Parliament Christine Anderson. It was organized by http://trinityproductions.ca We got to bring a guest so I brought David Swanson, my political ally in Brantford municipal elections so he enjoyed speaking to many activists. At the BBQ in a camp site, Josh Bigger, Mr. Freedom during the Trucker Protests, helped get me a chance to do my http://smartestman.ca/fauci covid poem which was well- received. I gave him a my book "Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold" by an Apple Orange comparison https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09dfgld8d I met Christine Anderson and filled her in on how we were tricked into lockdowns and jab to escape and gave her a book. At the banquet, I asked to do it again but the organizer said there was just no time. It did go half an hour later than expected. Speakers were Holocaust survivor Vera Sharay, German MEP Christine Anderson, Children's Health Defence Amanda Forbes, Veterans for Freedom Eddie Cornell, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, Journalist/Author Matthew Ehret, Award Winning former CBC journalist Trish Wood, and Lawyer/Livestreamer Vive Frei by video. Trish Wood mentioned that Fauci had said the Covid 3.4% death rate was an Infection Fatality Rate when no one knew the IFR. Actually, he compared the Covid hospitalized CFR Case Fatality Rate to the Flu's IFR so he didn't call it an IFR but compared it to the IFR. I gave her a book. And 6 people bought a book which I was showing around. And I gave away a hundred flyers http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19flyer.pdf Hope some people are angry to learn how they used a lousy Apple Orange comparison to trick us. They're laughing at us for falling for it.