TURMEL: Supreme Court Motion for Reconsideration JCT: The Supreme Court dismissed my Application for Leave to Appeal for a declaration that Covid was a Hundredfold Hyped False Alarm. I can ask for reconsideration if there are very rare circumstances. How about unique? http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3tr.pdf has active links. File No: 40520 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA (ON APPEAL FROM THE FEDERAL COURT OF APPEAL) BETWEEN John Turmel Applicant Appellant in appeal and His Majesty The King Respondent Respondent in appeal --------------------------------------------- APPLICANT'S MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION (Pursuant to S.73 of the Supreme Court Rules) --------------------------------------------- For the Appellant/Plaintiff John C. Turmel, B. Eng., To: James Schneider, Attorney General for Canada ----------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Notice of Motion for Reconsideration..............(1) May 11 2023 decision..............................(3) Applicant's Affidavit.............................(4) Applicant's Statement of Argument................(31) -------------------------------------------- NOTICE OF MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION (Pursuant to S.73 of the Supreme Court Rules -------------------------------------------- TAKE NOTICE that John Turmel applies to this Court for reconsideration of its May 11 2023 dismissal of the Application for Leave to Appeal or any further order that the Court may deem appropriate; AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this application for reconsideration is made on the grounds new facts having arisen and there are unique exceedingly rare circumstances of national and international import. Dated at Brantford on June 9 2023. __________________________ John C. Turmel, B. Eng., NOTICE TO THE RESPONDENT TO THE MOTION: A respondent to the motion may serve and file a response to this motion within 10 days after service of the motion. If no response is filed within that time, the motion will be submitted for consideration to a judge or the Registrar, as the case may be. --------------------- APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT --------------------- I, John C. Turmel, residing at 68 Brant Ave., Brantford, Ontario, make oath as follows: 1. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering from Carleton University in 1976. http://SmartestMan.Ca/diploma.jpg 2. In 1974, Carleton offered the Math 69:140 course unique to Canada called the "Mathematics of Gambling" taught by Dr. Walter Schneider who had also taught me my second-year engineering mathematics. I took it as an option and then became Teaching Assistant for the next 4 years. 3. I learned to count cards and spent 5 years beating Las Vegas in the late 1990s until I got barred. If you Google for Great Canadian Gambler, I come up. I was also dubbed "The Professor" at the Trump Taj Mahal Poker Palace in Atlantic City and had the highest Holdem Poker bets-per-hour win rate on the planet for 25 years. I was accepted as an Expert Witness on the Mathematics of Gambling in Federal Tax Court of Canada. 4. Given I have the same education as Star Trek's Science Officer Spock who knew the math to figure out the winningest way to go, in 2015 I claimed the site SmartestManOnEarth.Ca, now http://SmartestMan.Ca for short. My "Miracle Equation" for Inflation = Interest / (Principal + Interest) resulted in the first alternative time-based LETS community Currency. I was inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records in 1997 for "most elections contested" and my speech at the United Nations in 2000 resulted in Millennium Declaration C6 to "restructure the global financial architecture" with "an alternative time-based currency." 5. So it makes sense that when WHO Apple Oranged the world by miscomparing the Covid in-hospital 3.4% CFR Case Fatality Rate not to the Flu's 10% CFR but to its hundredfold smaller out-of-hospital 0.1% IFR group Infection Fatality Rate, no doctor or scientist caught trick, or spoke up. Only Canada's Mr. Spock brought the trick to the Court's attention in seeking a declaration that Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold was a false alarm. VEXATIOUS LITIGANT 6. I have instituted many litigations over my political career seeking righteous relief; none seeking to vex: 1) ENFORCE EQUITABLE FREE-TIME BROADCASTS Actions to enforce Broadcast Act regulations that free-time political debates be shared by all rival candidates on an equitable basis, quantitatively and qualitatively. When a court ruled my getting zero time was equitable, was it to vex to seek another court at the next deprivation that would not rule zero time is equitable? 2a) STRIKE GAMING HOUSE LAWS After being repeatedly busted trying different loopholes in the gaming house laws, was it to vex to keep defending my charges in the courts? 2b) CHARGE SIMPSONS FOR SELLING CARDS When I was charged under the ancient "possession of the gambling device," the cards, was it to vex to lay a charge against Simpsons for possessing and selling the same gambling devices or to show the double-standard I was facing? 3) STRIKE INTEREST ACT After realizing interest on bank loans was a fee for the privilege of participating in a gamble, the mort-gage death- gamble, in contravention of gaming house laws, as well as Biblical prohibitions on usury and the physical impossibility of all borrowers repaying both the principal and the interest when only the principal had been created and loaned out, was it to vex by helping those debtors fight their foreclosures in the courts on those grounds? 4) STRIKE MARIJUANA PROHIBITIONS After learning there had never been am overdose death from the use of marijuana, was it to vex by launching repeated actions to strike down cannabis prohibitions in the Criminal Code? http://SmartestMan.Ca/stay4k.jpg shows my appeal resulted in 4,000 charges being stayed. 5) GET BACK 18,000 CANCELED MEDPOT EXEMPTION PERMITS After Federal Court had struck down the medpot grow permits of half of Canada's 36,000 exempted patients, was it to vex by helping 400 patients ask for their permits back? 6) DAMAGES FOR MARIJUANA PERMIT PROCESSING DELAYS After learning patients who submitted their medical document to a Licensed Producer got their cannabis couriered the next day but those submitting it to Health Canada for a grower permit were stalled up to 11 months, was it to vex by helping them seek damages for lost rent on the unused grow- op and the cost of buying their medication on the street during the processing delays? 7) STRIKE 150-GRAM PUBLIC POSSESSION CAP FOR HIGH DOSERS After Federal Court imposed a 150=gram cap on public possession of cannabis, the B.C. Garber decision granted 4 high-doser patients a 10-day carry at full prescription even if more than the 150-gram limit. One had a prescription for 166 grams/day. Was it to vex that I helped About 4 dozen Plaintiffs to reach Federal Court seeking the same 10-day public carry? Judge Brown sent it for trial and granted the Lead Plaintiff a 10-day carry pending trial and asked why not the same for the rest. There was no intent to vex, just correct an unjustified court-imposed restriction. 8) COVID MORTALITY HYPED HUNDREDFOLD FALSE ALARM 7. When I learned WHO had used an Apple-Orange miscomparison of two different mortality rates to impose lockdowns and jabs to escape, was it to vex by helping those suffering from lockdowns to seek a declaration that the Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold was a False Alarm and seek damages? 8. On Nov 9 2022, despite all my actions having righteous intent, Federal Court declared me a "vexatious litigant" and ordered me not to help any victims any more. 9. My Memorandum for Leave to Appeal mentions all the facts I presented that were deemed "not facts" by the lower court. 10. On May 11, the Rt. Hon. Richard Wagner, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada; the Hon. Andromache Karakatsanis; the Hon. Suzanne Cote, the Hon. Russell Brown; the Hon. Malcolm Rowe; the Hon. Sheilah L. Martin; the Hon. Nicholas Kasirer, the Hon. Mahmud Jamal; and the Hon. Michelle O'Bonsawin dismissed without reasons and with costs the Application for Leave to Appeal for a declaration that the Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold was a false alarm. NO PENSION FOR UNVAXED? 11. Senate Bill S.233(c) is to replace my pension with a Guaranteed Basic Income if I qualify under the health requirements. RECENT HISTORY 12. The following are news articles in chronological order I've shared to my http://gab.com/johnturmel page with comments for the past month since the May 11 2023 dismissal. Most of the non-facts are now proven to have been true. May 12 13. Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why - Mirror Online https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/brits-dying-tens- thousands-dont-29955386?utm_source=substack Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren't quite sure why that is. Jct: Experts. Har har har har har har. 14. No, Lockdown Instigators Do Not Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt https://www.michaelpsenger.com/p/no-lockdown-instigators-do- not-deserve?utm_source=substack Same can be said for Supreme Court of Canada judges who supported not telling Canadians Covid was a false alarm. 15. James Thorp MD 40+sigma surge in stillbirths in central California in Canada Lionsgate Hospital is 300b& https://t.co/JUb45PAIfr" / Twitter https://twitter.com/jathorpmfm/status/1656148160916656129?utm_source=substack Jct: 1 sigma is 5:1 against. 2S is 39:1; 3S if 700:1, 4S is 33,000 against. So what's 40+ and 300? Off the scale. 16. Excess deaths in all age groups https://rumble.com/v2nene4-excess-deaths-in-all-age- groups.html And nobody knows the cause of all the excess deaths. But we can blame our Supreme Court of Canada for letting it go on. May 14 17. Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum https://twitter.com/i/status/1657021799652024324 Doesn't it all come across differently for those who know Covid Mortality was Hyped Hundredfold making a 1/3 mini-flu into a plague. And most still don't know WHO compared the Covid CFR Apple to the Flu IFR Orange http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf May 15 18. Could Aspirin Have Cut COVID Deaths in Half? https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/05/15/aspirin-for-covid.aspx It is important to understand that there was a massive discrediting propaganda campaign hurled at it by Big Pharma Jct: Mercola still banned by Elon Musk 19. Widespread use of disinfectants and hand sanitizers (quaternary ammonium compounds) is fueling the asthma and infertility crisis - YourDestinationNow http://www.yourdestinationnow.com/2023/05/widespread-use-of-disinfectants-and.html Har har har har har har. The stupid duped have harmed themselves. May 18 20. 15 babies and toddlers sickened by deadly heart condition | Daily Mail Online Simple question: were the mothers vaccinated? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12093195/15-babies-toddlers-sickened-deadly-heart-condition.html Jct: Good question. Did the mothers have spikes? May 19 21. Spike proteins in COVID-19 vaccines can cause BRAIN DAMAGE, neurosurgeon reveals - NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-17-spike-proteins-in-covid-vaccines-damage-brain.html This isn't news but it's nice to see again. 22. Former CBC Journalist Tells National Citizen's Inquiry That National Broadcaster Censored Stories on COVID-19 Vaccine Harms https://www.theepochtimes.com/former-cbc-journalist-tells-national-citizens-inquiry-that-national-broadcaster-censored-stories-on-covid-19-vaccine-harms_5275498.html While touting it as "safe and effective," no doubt. 23. FACT CHECK: Covid was mild and barely killed anyone - ventilator-acquired pneumonia, on the other hand, killed millions - NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-19-covid-mild-ventilator-pneumonia-killed-imillions.html It was a 1/3 flu turned into a plague by "Covid Mortality Hyped hundredfold" https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09dfgld8d 24. Trudeau claims he never forced Covid vaccines https://youtube.com/shorts/mlykQ2SlY5Q?feature=share 25. Are covid vaccines still causing excess deaths https://rumble.com/v2os8ry-are-covid-vaccines-still-causing-excess-deaths.html Thank you, I'll cite you and refer to this Canadian data in my upcoming Reconsideration of Application for Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada to be filed before June 10 and mention it in candidacy in the June 19 Oxford federal byelection demanding Covid be declared a false alarm., My 2021 Statement of Claim: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19 26. Excess deaths in Canada - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn0KQfI3dds 27. Senators overwhelmed by emails, calls pushing conspiracy theories about basic income legislation https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/senate-basic-income- conspiracy-theories-1.6403777 The bill does not stipulate who would qualify if the government were to implement a basic income scheme. Cut off funding to all and turn it back on for those who would qualify, vaxed. May 21 28. WHO Issues Warning on "Unusual" Surge of Severe Myocarditis Cases in Newborns and Infants https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/who-issues-warning-unusual-surge-severe-myocarditis-cases/ Were the babies vaxed? the mothers? 29. National Champion Waterskier with 'Full Throttle Approach to Life' Dies Suddenly at 18 The Western Journal https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/national-champion-waterskier-full-throttle-approach-life-dies/ More blood on judge Mandy Aylen's hands? 30. Mandatory Vaccination | Liberal Party of Canada https://liberal.ca/our-platform/mandatory-vaccination/?fbclid=IwAR0Rmz56r7NpADl8svf6_ZSbGuzOHM9Me45BvufMzWEwtPVNwArC29-M8Dw Science Drop-Out wants more mandates. May 22 31. Deaths Of Despair Now Significant Among The Young https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/deaths-despair-now-significant-among-young Living in Heaven like Hell does that,. 32. Experts Call for Investigation Over "Catastrophe" of Excess Deaths Running Thousands Higher Than During Pandemic https://dailysceptic.org/2023/05/22/experts-call-for-investigation-over-catastrophe-of-excess-deaths-that-are-thousands-higher-than-during-pandemic/ Thanks to the Supreme Court of Canada for hiding that covid mortality was a hundredfold hyped hoax. 33. "Mysterious" 50% spike in heart arrhythmia cases: 1 in 45 now at risk of stroke https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-22-mysterious-spike-heart-arrhythmia-stroke-risk.html Mysterious! Har har har har har har. May 23 34. Is This Why Pediatricians Push Vaccines? https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/05/23/why-pediatricians-push-vaccines.aspx Vax Bonuses for Doctors to jab their patients Dr. Mercola still banned by Elon Musk 35. German Covid Mandate Critic Bhakdi Freed of Charges of "Holocaust Denial" for Criticizing Israeli Vaccine Mandates! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/german-covid-mandate-critic-bhakdi-freed-charges-holocaust/ Chief prosecutor charge Bhakdi with "incitement to hatred" and "Holocaust denial" because he criticized Israel's vaccination policy 36. "Making a Killing" film exposes hospital covid protocols as a genocidal scam for cash https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-23-making-a-killing-film-hospital-covid-protocols.html# Of course, hospitals had to be well-paid to kill their patients. 37. College Football Star Jaden Hullaby Dies Suddenly at 21 https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2023/05/23/college-football-star-jaden-hullaby-dies-suddenly-at-21/ The vax may have killed him but taking the vax allowed him to play the game he loved until it killed him. 38. The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal Undertaking - https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-covid-killer-vaccine-people-are-dying-all-over-the-world-its-a-criminal-undertaking/5800358 Mass murder abetted by Canadian courts who could have warned the world Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold was a False Alarm. https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09dfgld8d 39. COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: Multiple Heart Attacks or Multiple Strokes - Global https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-vaccine-injuries-multiple-heart-attacks-multiple-strokes/5820153 Kelly Sue - A Canadian used to walk 10 miles a day and ride her bike 24 miles every 2 days had 9 strokes after her 2nd COVID-19 vaccine dose. 40. mRNA and Breastfeeding: COVID-19 Vaccinated Mothers Who Breastfeed - Babies Have Serious Reactions Including Death https://www.globalresearch.ca/mrna-breastfeeding-covid-19-vaccinated-mothers-who-breastfeed-babies-have-serious-reactions-including-death-decreased-breast-milk-production-milk-discoloration-bleeding/5820059 All thanks to Canadian Courts who could have warned them Covid was a false alarm needing no vaccines. 41. London Mayor Khan Left "Barely Conscious" Due To Heart Attack Suffered Days After Receiving Covid Booster - https://davidicke.com/2023/05/23/london-mayor-khan-left-barely-conscious-due-to-heart-attack-suffered-days-after-receiving-covid-booster/ Finally, someone who deserved it. 42. Pfizer, Moderna COVID vaccines associated with severe vaginal bleeding in women 45 and up: study https://americasvoice.news/justthenews/pfizer-moderna-covid-vaccines-associated-severe-vaginal-bleeding-women/ Another adverse effect thanks to Canadian Courts for not warning Covid was a false alarm needing no vaccines. May 25 43. Dr. John Campbell: Post truth world https://rumble.com/v2pkmdi-post-truth-world.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXcVwxzK6kM Dr. Norman Fenton has over 300 published papers but zero since he came out against Covid. The fix is in. Just more obvious here. 44. John Campbell: Excess deaths in Canada Norman Fenton https://rumble.com/v2ppsvn-excess-deaths-in-canada.html 45. Ongoing excess deaths in Canada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXcVwxzK6kM Thanks to the Canadian Courts 46. Excess Deaths Are Exploding, Experts Remain Stumped https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/05/25/excess-deaths-exploding.aspx Between May and December 2022 alone, there were 32,441 excess deaths Britons are dying by the tens of thousands, "but no one knows why." Jct: Har har har har har har. Dr. Mercola still banned by Elon. 47. Excess Deaths in Young Canadians Jump to 27 Percent https://www.theepochtimes.com/excess-deaths-in-young-canadians-jump-to-27-percent_5288250.html Thanks to the Canadian Courts who knew it was a false alarm but didn't warn us. 48. You Will Not Believe This One? C-278 https://www.thetruefactsc19.com/post/you-will-not-believe-this-one-c-278 This Bill is intended to STOP the Federal Government from mandating the C19 Vax as a condition of employment or travel. Jct: Some good news!! Dean Allison (Niagara West) May 26 49. Proof of malicious manipulation of data to support their genda https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/proof-of-malicious-manipulation-of I love it when he catches them fudging the data. 50. Astonishing rise in abnormal heart rhythms https://rumble.com/v2pthn4-astonishing-rise-in-abnormal-heart-rhythms.html What could have been the cause? 51. PLANDEMIC: Study reveals ventilator-acquired pneumonia killed millions - not COVID-19 as governments around the world claimed https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-25-study-reveals-ventilator-acquired-pneumonia-killed-millions.html Another way of killing patients to hype the scare. May 27 52. Ontario Tribunal to Decide "Professional Misconduct" Case Against Doctor Critical of COVID Measures https://www.theepochtimes.com/professional-misconduct-case-against-ontario-doctor-critical-of-covid-measures-to-be-decided-by-tribunal_5288925.html Why not tell her how WHO compared the Covid in hospital CFR death rate to Flu's out of hospital IFR? http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19 explains my current case to declare Covid a false alarm now in the Supreme Court of Canada. The only anti-vax case to get there. 54. Died Suddenly - COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated young people who died in their sleep - SADS is not happening, this is mRNA vaccine induced myocarditis causing sudden cardiac death (2023: 13 cases) https://www.globalresearch.ca/died-suddenly-covid-19-mrna-vaccinated-young-people-who-died-in-their-sleep-sads-is-not-happening-this-is-mrna-vaccine-induced-myocarditis-causing-sudden-cardiac-death-2023-13-cases/5820452 55. Head of Pharma at Bayer admits that the mRNA vaccines are gene therapy https://rumble.com/vwg9b5-head-of-pharma-at-bayer-admits-that-the-mrna-vaccines-are-gene-therapy.html We know it's not a vaccine to prevent getting infected or transmitting it to others. May 28 56. President Trump suggests taking hydroxychloroquine to protect against Covid-19 despite lack of proof | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/05/health/trump-lupus-hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus-protection/index.html The doctors who dissed HydroxyChloroQuine!!! Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine published the bogus survey they had to retract. 57. Teen Dies After Medical Emergency During Swim Meet - She Was Just Days from a Big Accomplishment The Western Journal https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/teen-dies-medical-emergency-swim-meet-just-days/ Thanks to Canadian Courts for not allowing proof Covid was a false alarm to be heard. 58. Lockdowns "Harmed Hundreds of Millions of People for Years to Come" - Major Study https://dailysceptic.org/2023/05/27/lockdowns-harmed-hundreds-of-millions-of-people-for-years-to-come-major-study/ And we can thank Federal Court Justice Mandy Aylen for not letting my proof Covid was a false alarm for all the harm. 59. THE UNVACCINATED | "Nobody is Safe!" - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI3yU5Z2adI "No one is safe" because the vax doesn't work! Har har har har har har. http://SmartestMan.Ca/fauci scam poem. So many famous people have blood on their hands. Hope the families of victims go after them. 60. We Are About To See One Of The Greatest Human Die Offs Of All Time * Merritt Zelenko * NWO https://www.brighteon.com/2b5ba71b-f695-4bc3-abfa-7518e723c756 It's not as if all doctors close their eyes to the catastrophe! Banned by Twitter. 61. Barred - a GP with the courage to say No to vaccines - https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/gp-with-the-courage-to-say-no-to-vaccines/ Suspended by NHS England for questioning coronavirus protocol. 62. 2 JABBED CRICKET PLAYERS COLLAPSE WITHIN MINUTES OF EACH OTHER https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=176057 Video taken down. Most important is always what they're hiding from you. 63. MAIL CARRIER HAS 19 PEOPLE WHO DIED ON HER ROUTE IN 4 MONTHS https://www.bitchute.com/video/E60OXTZQ3mAT/ 19/460 is 4% of her route died in 4 months. Bad times coming for the spiked? 64. Shock: Top Insurance Analyst Says 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots https://www.technocracy.news/shock-top-insurance-analyst-says-600000-americans-per-year-are-dying-from-covid-shots/ Those vaccinated have a 26% percent higher mortality rate compared to those who declined the jab - for vaccinated people under 50 years old, where mortality is 49 %. May 29 65. COVID vaccines have likely caused over 25,000 new cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-have-likely-caused Another adverse effect. 66. Key paper showing "no link between vaccines and autism" is fatally flawed https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/key-paper-showing-no-link-between I offered Professor Anders Hviid $25,000 if he would defend his autism study and supply us with the underlying data he used so we can validate it. He blocked me! What is he so afraid of? The truth? 67. Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died Of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show | ZeroHedge https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/zero-young-healthy-individuals-died-covid-19-israeli-data-show Like I told judge Mandy Aylen http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf But Science-Non-Graduate Trudeau still pushed vaxes on kids. Lots of blood on his hands. It's such fun being vindicatecd and the low-tech judges proven wrong. Har har har har har. 68. Bill Gates Now Admits Vaccine Is "Ineffective"? https://wltreport.com/2023/05/27/bill-gates-now-admits-vaccine-is-ineffective/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr Bill Gates just admitted mRNA jabs don't stop infection, don't block transmission, don't block mutants, don't last, don't work at all 69. We Were Lied To About COVID Death Rate! https://rumble.com/v2qalp4-we-were-lied-to-about-covid-death-rate.html Yes hyping the mortality by a factor of 100 could be termed lying about the death rate. http://SmartestMan.Ca/fauci explains how WHO compared Covid's 3.4% CFR (hospitalised case fatality rate) not to the Flu's 10% CFR but to its group IFR .1% rate. May 30 70. Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn for Not Meeting Standards of Scientific Soundness https://www.theepochtimes.com/over-300-covid-19-papers-withdrawn-for-not-meeting-standards-of-scientific-soundness_5293140.html One of Lancet's studies even caused both (WHO) and the national government to stop the comprehensive testing of hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness against COVID-19. The extensive Lancet study, allegedly based on research fraud, said that the drug increased the risk of heart arrhythmia and mortality for COVID-19 patients. 71. Ophthalmologists Now Ethically Obligated to Denounce COVID-19 Vaccines, as 20,000 New Eye Disorders Are Reported https://www.globalresearch.ca/ophthalmologists-ethically-obligated-denounce-covid-19-vaccines-20000-new-eye-disorders-reported/5744481 Another adverse effect. 72. Stillbirths are skyrocketing in the Post-Covid Vaccination Era, leaked Hospital Email reveals - https://www.globalresearch.ca/stillbirths-are-skyrocketing-in-the-post-covid-vaccination-era-leaked-hospital-email-reveals/5798282 Some of Canada's most-vaccinated areas saw a 28-fold increase in stillbirths due to covid injections. 73. Pfizer Crimes against our Children: Cardiac Arrest of Two Month Old Baby an Hour after Experimental Vaccine https://www.globalresearch.ca/breaking-58-babies-who-received-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-suffered-life-threatening-adverse-events/5785765 Stupid Duped parents. Har har har har har har. Don't want them reproducing. 74. Died Suddenly - COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers: 37 yo Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais driven to suicide by his Moderna COVID-19 booster Injuries, plus 9 other swimmers collapsing & dying https://www.globalresearch.ca/died-suddenly-covid-19-vaccine-injured-swimmers-37-yo-italian-swimming-champion-claudio-rais-was-driven-to-suicide-by-his-moderna-covid-19-booster-injuries-plus-9-other- swimmers-collapsing-dying/5820571 Canadian courts could have declared Covid a false alarm. 75. Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Substantial "Sudden and Sustained" Increase in Excess Mortality in Early 2021 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/peer-reviewed-study-finds-substantial-sudden-sustained-increase/ 2021 excess deaths were "two empirical standard deviations above expected" and "four times in 2022." 2 Sigma means 1/40 fluke, 4 sigma is 1/33,000 natural fluke 76. Excess deaths in Germany only started appearing after COVID "vaccines" were unleashed, study finds https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-05-30-excess-deaths-germany-appeared-after-covid-vaccines.html Jun 1 77. Health Shocker: Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain' After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine, Source Claims https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/health-shocker-jamie-foxx-left-paralyzed-and-blind-from-blood-clot-in-his-brain-after-receiving-covid-19-vaccine-source-claims/ar-AA1bZrwx Blame Judge Aylen for not declaring Covid a False Alarm needing no vax. June 3 78. Family Of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration | ZeroHedge https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/family-college-student-who-died-covid-19-vaccine-sues-biden-administration Good. Hope it happens in Canada soon. 79. Hohmann: Death by Injection - Top insurance researcher provides data showing staggering numbers https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/hohmann-death-injection-top-insurance-researcher-provides-data/ A top insurance industry United Kingdom analyst estimates 600,000 Americans per year are dying from the Covid shots 80. Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system, bombshell study finds https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-20-covid-vaccination-four-injections-collapse-immune-system.html# End up with VAIDS after 4 shots. 81. How can I be so sure that vaccines cause autism? I asked the ONE question that no autism researcher has EVER asked. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-can-i-be-so-sure-that-vaccines I received 273 responses. 58 parents autistic behaviors within a month AFTER a vaccine. 0 parents within a month BEFORE a vaccine. Jun 4 82. TRIUMPH! An Unconscionable Attack Against Dr. Marik Ends in Global Vindication https://flccc.substack.com/p/triumph-an-unconscionable-attack?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=389005&post_id=125547848&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email A crooked Dr. Kyle Sheldrick attacked a good Dr. Paul Marik causing people to die. Had to apologize. 83. Dr. John Campbell: Counter-Disinformation Unit exists https://rumble.com/v2s1lao-counter-disinformation-unit-exists.html Big Brother flexing censor muscles in UK. 84. Study Falsely Linking Hydroxychloroquine To Increased Deaths Frequently Cited Even After Retraction | ZeroHedge https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/study-falsely-linking-hydroxychloroquine-increased-deaths-frequently-cited-even-after A Big Lie that just won't die. 85. Cleveland Clinic Peer-Reviewed Study Found that the More Vaccines You've Had, the Higher Your COVID-19 Infection Risk https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/cleveland-clinic-peer-reviewed-study-found-that-more/ But Prime Minister Justin Science Drop-out said they were "safe and effective." What else from a Science failure. Jun 5 86. FDA Detects Serious Safety Signal for COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-detects-serious-safety-signal-for-covid-19-vaccination-among-kids_5288229.html Took them long enough. 87. The MORE the DEADLIER: The more COVID "vaccines" you get, the greater your chances of contracting COVID https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-06-02-more-covid-vaccines-greater-chance-contracting-covid.html When the spikes come out, the vaccine can tackle them is the best reason to turn off your immune system. 88. Tom Elliott on Twitter: "Covid Retrospective Series, Vol. 1 Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum https://t.co/hPvLfEtW3O" / Twitter https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1657021799652024324 All these people too stupid to realize they're saying the vax doesn't protect. Har har har har har har. June 6 89. Exposing the FDA's Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin Facts Matter https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-makes-unexpected-ivermectin-announcement-facts-matter_5307194.html?utm_source=Morningbrief So they cite reports that say it works to say it does not! Caught in a lie that killed millions. 90. Retracted Study Claiming Hydroxychloroquine Deaths Is Most Cited https://www.theepochtimes.com/study-linking-hydroxychloroquine-to-increased-deaths-frequently-cited-even-after-retraction_5301952.html the study led the World Health Organization to temporarily suspend the trial of hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 patients and to the UK regulatory body, MHRA, requesting the temporary pause of recruitment into all hydroxychloroquine trials in the UK. Jct: My court action mentioned this but Judge Aylen said it wasn't a fact. 91. Conspiracy revealed: Over 100 medical professionals expose the ACADEMIC FRAUD that blocked clinical trials for Hydroxychloroquine https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-06-06-100-medical-professionals-expose-academic-fraud-blocked-hydroxychloroquine.html What I told the judge. And they never started again. 92. 92% Covid Deaths Are Triple Vaccinated, Government Data Shows - Slay News https://slaynews.com/news/covid-deaths-triple-vaccinated-government-data-shows/ Har har har har har har. Culling the sheep, not the lions. 93. Doctor targeted by Counter Disinformation Unit https://rumble.com/v2sbcc0-doctor-targeted-by-counter-Disinformation-unit.html Breaking rules to vax kids. 94. WATCH: Sutton should admit he got it WRONG, says British cardiologist - Rebel News https://www.rebelnews.com/sutton_should_admit_he_got_it_wrong_says_british_cardiologist?utm_campaign=rb_06_07_23&utm_medium=email&utm_source=therebel Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton's refusal to acknowledge his prior dismissal of garlic as a treatment for COVID-19. Jct: Another natural fix? Jun 7 95. WHO Adopts European-Style COVID-19 Vaccine Passports As Part Of New Global Digital Health Certificate | ZeroHedge https://www.zerohedge.com/political/who-adopts-european-style-covid-19-vaccine-passports-part-new-global-digital-health Prove you're vaxed or you can't do this... 96. The Great COVID Death Coverup https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/06/07/covid-death-coverup.aspx WHO's recommendation to put patients on mechanical ventilation resulted in needless death among people who weren't at great risk of dying from COVID Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence. John C. Turmel -------------------------------------------------- APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF ARGUMENT (Pursuant to S.73(3)(d) of the Supreme Court Rules -------------------------------------------------- 1. The exceedingly rare, actually unique, circumstances are that the world is threatened by being tricked into taking an experimental gene therapy. it's not safe nor effective at preventing infection or transmission so it's not a vaccine but a dangerous gene therapy and has been imposed by lies and trickery. Smartest Man is bringing this unique circumstance to the attention of the Court. 2. I did not bring my credentials to the attention of the Court in my Leave Application because I didn't want to flaunt my technical superiority If I didn't have to. I hoped the Court would grasp the statistical analysis I had presented without my having to be brain-slapped in right direction. Dismissal of my Application now compels me to do so. 3. I showed respect to see if the Court could follow the math on their own. Bright kids good in math become scientists and engineers; bright kids not good in math become lawyers and actors. Now that the Court has failed, SmartestMan has to brain-slap the Court in the right direction. ADVERSE EVENTS NOW EVIDENT 4. My Affidavit shows the dangers of the experimental gene therapies have now become evident. With thousands collapsing of heart problems on video since the vaccines, and many more not on video, with miscarriage and still-birth numbers through the roof, with massive increases in excess deaths around the world, only the Canadian courts could have and can still end the faux pandemic it by declaring the Covid pandemic a false alarm because only Canada's Mr. Spock noticed the Apple Orange trick and brought it to the courts' attention. 5. But you have sustained a decision that says IT IS NOT A FACT THAT: - WHO comparing the Covid CFR Apple to the smaller Flu IFR Orange is off a hundredfold; - WHO and Wuhan have both reported no symptomless spread while citizens social distanced and wore masks; - PCR tests were set too sensitive to 45 doubling cycles rather than 25, too sensitive by a millionfold that Tanzanian President could submit papaya, sheep and goat with all testing positive; - CDC changed the Death Certificate Guidelines on March 24 2020 from "died from" to "died with" Covid and falsely hyped death numbers while admitting only 6% died from Covid alone; - France lost only 0.8% of 4,000 patients, saved 99.2% using 1 gram of HydroxyChloroQuine while the Bill Gates' Oxford Recovery HCQ test lost 25.7% of 1,500 patents, saved 74.3% by overdosing with 9.6 grams of HCQ, 32 times worse than France. If HCQ worked, no Emergency Use Authorization for vaccines so Lancet and New England of Journal of Medicine published a bogus survey showing HCQ to be dangerous and then retracted. But that survey is still cited. 6. Recent articles in the Affidavit show most of the allegations deemed not to be facts have now proven true. And with every death of someone who may not have taken the jab if they'd knows Covid was a false alarm, I blamed the Court. 7. How can you let it go down in history that you refused to declare a false alarm because you deemed these events and actions not as facts? Try explaining to upcoming generations that you didn't see how comparing CFR and the hundredfold too small IFR "mortality rates" was deception to trick the world into lockdowns and taking the jab to get out. 8. The Covid Pandemic is being called the greatest genocide in medical history. Stories of adverse effects and those who died suddenly abound. Excess deaths are the key metric and have risen around the world. There are millions of excess deaths in vaccinated nations, not in unvaccinated nations, which could have been avoided if the Court had known what makes a fact. 9. You are the only court in a position to help because our world's Mr. Spock is raised and trained in Canada. So you had the chance to let them world know there was no emergency and failed. 10. Senate Bill S.233(c) to replace my pension with a Guaranteed Basic Income if I qualify under my health requirements. This could permit government to coerce me to take the jab by making it a health requirement. Could government be that sleazy? 11. Justin Trudeau, while saying the vaccines are "safe and effective" also acknowledges the vaccines do not work when he bans the unvaxed from travelling on the same public transport to threaten the protected. Which is an admission that they are not protected. And still he pushes the vaccine. So, yes, government could be that sleazy. 12. Canadian courts could have saved us but did not and now have the blood of millions maybe hundreds of millions on their hands. Though a single judge may be faced with the inducement to "Take this million dollar bank account" and threat "Or we'll kill your family!" but this Court has 9 judges. Together you could right so great a wrong that the whole world would stand vigil over your well-being. Dated at Brantford on June 9 2023. John C. Turmel, B. Eng.,