TURMEL: Canada Supreme Court nixes declaring Covid a False Alarm JCT: My application for leave to appeal: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3sc.pdf Crown Response: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3tlc.pdf My Reply: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3tlr.podf Dismissal by the Supreme Court of Canada http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3tlj.pdf An Application for Reconsideration may be filed within 30 days but wants proof of importance or new evidence. I'll include all the adverse effects and excess deaths that have arisen and Bill S. 233 that would permit the Crown to not qualify me for the Guaranteed Livable Basic Income if I'm not vaxed. Of course, the bill doesn't say that, it only permits that. See my next post: Will S.233 cancel funding of unvaxed? And if they don't do something, I'll have to challenge the bill for what it could do even if it doesn't say what it can do.