TURMEL: 10 Days for New Blue to warn Covid 19 hyped false alarm Early last year, I filed a Statement of Claim asking Federal Court to declare that the Covid the Covid 19 mortality threat was an exaggerated false alarm based on the fact WHO compared the Covid in-hospital CFR death rate to the Flu's Out-of-hospital IFR death rate. Off by a factor of 100. I gave Randy Hillier my http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19flyer.pdf explaining the Apple to Orange comparison used to trick us into thinking a 1/3 mini-flu was a 34x worse-than-flu plague and asked him warn his supporters that the vaccine was not necessary for the false alarm. He didn't. During the last federal election, I gave the flyer to Maxime Bernier asking him to warn Canadians that the Covid Mortality threat was an exaggerated false alarm. I did a 10- day countdown to the election urging the People's Party to steal the show by asking the Federal Court to declare the false alarm. All they had to do was file a Statement of Claim in Federal Court for a $2 filing fee asking the court to declare the Covid CFR was compared to the Flu IFR to hype the false alarm and they would have stolen the show. Instead, Max did nothing, got treated like a fringe party, and got fringe results. Now I get to make fun of the party who could have exposed the false alarm and stolen the show. Sep 10 10 Days for Candidates to Expose Covid Mortality Hoax http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19069.txt Sep 11 9 Days to Expose Covid Mortality Hoax http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19070.txt Sep 12 8 Days to save ourselves from the clot shot http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19071.txt Sep 13 7 days to end Kid Clots http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19072.txt Sep 14 6 days left save ourselves from the spike clots? http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19073.txt Sep 15 5 days left to make Apple Orange Trick go viral http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19074.txt Sep 16 4 days left to go viral or suffer your clots http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19075.txt Sep 17 3 days left to make Covid Mortality Hoax viral http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19076.txt Sep 18 2 days to stop the Kid Clots http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19077.txt Sep 19 1 day to save ourselves from clot shots http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19078.txt Sep 22 No days left: Ontario coerces clot shot, heart problem http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19080.txt So all I now have to do is ask any People's Party candidate who got my emails why they didn't warn their family and friends not to take the experimental vaccines mandated due to a hoax threat. Think of all the pain they cauesd by letting people be forced to take the clot shot. So get ready when I ask you in public why New Blue candidates why you didn't warn family and friends against taking their clots once you found out WHO had compared CFR to IFR. I am amazed at people who just can't grasp how they were tricked. In one ear and out the other. Of course, you can always admit you didn't realize what comparing CFR to IFR meant and a Federal Tax Court of Canada expert witness couldn't help you understand. But if you understood how comparing CFR to IFR hyped the Covid Mortality a hundredfold, how could you let friends and family suffer by not telling them. May 18, 2022, 10:07:28 a.m. EDT, Jennifer Gleason wrote: If you can win the court case just win it already. Why do you need other people to do it for you. May 18, 2022 1:02 PM John Turmel wrote: 1) If I lead, Crown asks for $17,000 security for costs from past losses. If New Blue leads, they'll win the election. If they stay stupid, another keener will take the lead while I write the documentation. Like I did for all the medpot group actions. So I'll keep pushing New Blue for awhile then we do it ourselves again. May 18, 2022, 01:41:49 p.m. EDT, Jennifer Gleason Your huge emails are confusing and time-wasting; and the reason why you don't just win the court case are not clear. New Blue is going to win the election anyways and then we will hold everyone accountable for what they have done. It is two weeks till the election. We are out trying to win an election, which means giving all our time and money to that venture for the next two weeks. If the court case could have been won, you would have won it. We don't have $17,000. Please take my name off your mailing list until you can streamline your message to get to the point. What do you need? Make it doable and I will do it. I have no idea what you want. Jennifer On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 5:49 PM John Turmel wrote: Jct: I guess you must have missed the dozen times I explain the first action was struck because "any" restriction can't be struck down, it has to be an actual restriction. Maybe you missed the dozen times I mentioned how Brian Peckford and Maxime Bernier are going to lose their challenges under the mobility section for the same I just had mine dismissed today. Watch my http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19reps to find out that right to mobility is to move, live, work other provinces, not to travel domestically. Which is why the third will be under S.7 Security for the right to domestic travel. If you haven't able to understand how asking the court to declare the false alarm, then of course, you believe New Blue is going to win. After being cheated, why would you expect to do better than People's Party before everyone was vaxed and when everyone cared. They don't any more. That's why explaining how they were tricked might anger them. But if you don't see how comparing apple to orange tricked you, then no problem, you're off my mailing list but may be included in the laughter section when New Blue goes the same right as Bernier's losers. May 20, 2022, 12:06:57 p.m. EDT, Jennifer Gleason wrote: You are a poor communicator and you have zero people skills. It is no wonder you can't get anyone to help you in your cause. May 20, 2022, at 6:49 PM, John Turmel wrote: So get ready when I ask you in public why you didn't warn family and friends against taking their clots once you found out they had compared CFR to IFR. Of course, you can always admit you didn't realize what that meant and a mathematical genius Federal Tax Court of Canada expert witness couldn't help you understand. But if you understood how comparing CFR to IFR hyped the Covid Mortality a hundredfold, their blood is on your hands. May 20, 2022, 12:06:57 p.m. EDT, Jennifer Gleason wrote: A genius who can't get anyone to join his cause. Hmm JCT: So Jennifer will someday have to answer why she didn't inform family and friends that they didn't have to get vaxed over a hoax threat. And so will all New Blue candidates. You didn't have the brains to see how comparing Apple to Orange to hype the Covid Mortality a hundredfold or you did and then chose to do nothing. What's sad is that the Leader could tell the team to take the 10 minutes to fill out the http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19csc.pdf and then take the 10 minutes to upload the Statement of Claim to the Federal Court online Registry. And keep in mind, the Crown will ask that a Lead Plaintiff be designated and that all the rest be stayed. And if the Lead doesn't get the court to see how being tricked by an Apple to Orange comparison to cause a false alarm must be exposed, the stayeds have their claims dismissed WITH NO COSTS! Only the Lead pays costs. I've explained this before and so New Blue candidates chose not to spend $2 to steal the show. What's particularly sad is that after the decision to file, you could all shake up the world in a mere few days, well before the election. So as New Blue walks into fringe oblivion, you'll be laughed at the rest of your lives, if not worse, depending on whether the clot shot you didn't warn them about kills them.