TURMEL: Action to strike Air Travel Vax Requirement like Peckford JCT: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19bscjc.pdf is my latest Statement of Claim filed in Federal Court of Canada to copy Brian Peckford's challenge to air travel vax requirement. So these is the c19b action. Our first claim http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf was for a permanent constitutional exemption from any Covid- mitigation restrictions on the basis it was a false alarm. Prothonotary Mandy Aylen dismissed it because I was not personally restriction at the time and so, she buried that it was a false alarm. She got promoted to Judge 3 weeks after refusing to declare it a false alarm but she also gets credit for all the extra deaths since February 2021 due to lockdown and vaccines. http://SmartestMan.Ca/aylenmandy.jpg But now the air travel ban does restrict me. His challenge is a Judicial Review of the Jan 15 interim order restricting air travel to only the vaxed. A Judicial Review has to be filed within 30 days of of the decision. He is arguing it violates rights. I want to argue it violates rights over a hoax shamdemic. But I didn't want them being able to link my case to his and force me to wait for his. His asked for an extension of time to get stuff organized. So the ban could be ended before they even get to court. So I filed a Statement of Claim that works as long as the restriction is ongoing. Paragraphs 7 to 124 of the new Statement of Claim have the same information as in the first claim explaining how we were tricked. Later paragraphs deal with the air travel ban. And I don't need any extension of time. I only needed a restriction on me to get my action going. So there should be no reason to slow me down. I doubt the Crown can link my Action of Invalidity to Peckford's Judicial Review for Declaration of Invalidity. So I now have my chance to get the Federal Court to declare a false alarm. Just contemplate what could happen if Federal Court declares that the Covid Mortality threat was a false alarm! Now the good news. On Tuesday Feb 22, I intend to file a Short Notice Motion for an exemption from the air travel ban to be heard on Friday so I can fly to Ottawa next week. Things really can move that fast. Remember how many medpot motions got dealt with on short notice in just days, some the next day. Now again. You'll be able to read it at http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19bn.pdf