TURMEL: 4 days left to go viral or suffer your clots JCT: I got a message from Michael Minas with copies to the whole list. << I agree with everything you say and i have known this. How long will I be free if the turd wins the election. Political dissidents and the big C comes we will never go back. >> I tried to respond but Yahoo prevented the mail saying: << Your message cannot be sent because it resembles spam and/or contains only links. Please modify your message and try again. >> JCT: Of course, there were no links and I tried posting just their message to me and got the same refusal again. And again and again. Finally, it let through the message: Yahoo won't let me respond I've told you I thought I was shadowbanned. I'm going to copy my About the Author pages from my $3 Amazon ebook Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold so you get more of an idea of why you should take the Smartest Man On Earth seriously. It has all the times I was right and the whole world was wrong. And the censorship I've experienced! With this last Yahoo bit just icing on a big cake: << ABOUT SMARTEST MAN HOW DARE I? Six years ago, I put up the sites SmartestManOnEarth.Ca and http://SmartestMan.Ca for short. How can I dare bet I am SmartestManOnEarth.Ca? I have the same education as Star Trek's Science Officer Spock who knew the math to figure out the winningest way to go. After my degree in Electrical Systems Engineering, I was Teaching Assistant of Canada's only Mathematics of Gambling Course at Carleton University for 4 years during the 1970s. The "Great Canadian Gambler" and "The Professor" from the Trump Taj Mahal can also figure out the winningest way to go. http://SmartestMan.Ca/gambler details the adventures for my 42-year professional gambling career. I may not appear that much brighter than anyone else but if you score 99%, my 99.9999% is not even 1% better than your 99%. But how much worse is your 1% error than my 0.0001%. Your 1% error means you make 10 thousand mistakes in a million. I make 1 mistake in a million. Your 1% is 10,000 times worse than my 0.0001%! And if I make no mistakes at all, as in Backgammon where most learn to bear men off perfectly, then your 1 mistake is infinitely worse than a perfect bear-off. "How much better?" versus "How much worse?" tells a different story. My last interview with Michael Arana Nation recaps my career highlights: Political Campaigning Legend John Turmel explains his plan to save Canada from Financial Slavery! https://rumble.com/ve7nip-political-campaigning-legend-john- turmel-explains-his-plan-to-save-canada-f.html https://youtu.be/Z7uZY55wWqE My Statement of Claim even included a link to http://SmartestMan.Ca/inverts my Inverts of Unity lesson on how to convert decimals to fractions and back. It also shows you how to use the Bell curve to find out what to expect how often next time. My video "TajProfessor Great Canadian Gambler's Crystal Bell Ball" further explains how I've used the Standard Normal Bell Curve as a crystal ball to predict what will happen based on what happened with only sample size and mean. https://rumble.com/vdui8n- tajprofessor-great-canadian-gamblers-crystal-bell-ball.html https://youtu.be/lkDDbivUgvo https://www.facebook.com/john.turmel/videos/10160047481302281 It has the Bible's two greatest free health tips, fasting and urine therapy. And how the interest-free window at the Bank of Canada could be used to pay our damages for government incompetence in being tricked by an Apple-to- Orange comparison and to cope with inflation. So, no matter how unusual and eccentric the "Great Canadian Character Anthology" (1985) says I may be, it should only reassure you that my math remains unchallenged. http://SmartestMan.Ca/antholog.htm CLAIMS TO FAME Here's a list of claims to fame where I was right and the whole world was wrong: CHRIST'S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS In July 1995, I was voted Internet Kook of the Month for arguing that Christ spoke in Differential Equations! It really upset the online world! I had noticed that his most quoted (7 times) statement "To him who has abundance will more be given and from him who has no abundance, even what he has will be taken away" described what happens over time, a Differential Equation that takes from the negatives to give to the positives, how interest on your bank account works! If you're wealthy, you get interest. If you're needy, they take it away. dB/dt=iB is the Differential Equation for Hell! So why would Jesus respond to "Why do you speak in parables" with "because of interest?" Jesus was a loanshark fighter promising heaven in this world rather than a sin- fighter promising heaven in the next. JESUS WAS NOT A SIN-FIGHTER BUT A DEBT-FIGHTER Ezekiel explains that if you repent and atone, all your sins are forgotten. So why would the Our Father ask for forgiveness of sins when it's automatic. The original Lord's Prayer actually says "Forgive us our Debts" but was altered! Paul Corr II, 8:14 is the Differential Equation for Heaven: Db/dt=0. "Your abundance should at the present time be a supply for their want so that later, their abundance may be a supply for your want; in that way, he who gathers much doesn't have too much and he who gathers little doesn't have too little, that there be equality." Nothing taken from the poor to give to the rich. Though the Parable of the Talents starts with "The Kingdom of Heaven is like..." and then has the Master demanding he be paid interest with the Differential Equation for Hell, I argue that was not Jesus demanding interest but really the loanshark Master of Hell talking. Big Money took this parable as an approbation of usury if it was Jesus demanding his interest but Jesus was actually the debtor returning the master's principal and stiffing him for the interest, a tactic I have used in my Stiff-the-Bank Anti-Foreclosure legal kits from the 1980s. We accepted responsibility for what the principal received but repudiated the growth of debt what we never received. But making the loansharks think Jesus was okaying their usury kept the parable in the book unlike other alterations such as "sins" for "debts" in the Lord's Prayer and the recent deletion of "Let the exacting of interest stop" from Nehemiah 5:10. http://SmartestMan.Ca/poembibl MIRACLE EQUATION DOWN ON THE RIGHT I'm the only person who teaches that inflation is not only "more money chasing the goods," Shift A, it can also be "same money chasing less goods" after foreclosure, Shift B, (I/(P+I))! Economics teaches the inflation shift is up on the left money side, I teach it's down on the right collateral side. Economics only teaches up on the left, never down on the right. Can't you wonder why I'm the only person who noticed the other possibility in the world? http://SmartestMan.Ca/biglie RAISING COSTS DOES NOT REDUCE PRICES In the 1980s, when they were raising interest to 22% to "fight inflation," I was the only politician who noticed that raising costs will be passed along in higher prices, not lower prices! But the world was successfully suckered to "raise interest costs to lower prices." And they're doing it to you again. Google "fight inflation" and note how "raise interest" is the only way you'll hear about fighting inflation. If they're talking about fighting inflation and not killing it, they're really dancing with it. Giving more to the rich is the only orthodox way they know to bring prices down. http://SmartestMan.Ca/bankmath In 1984, I financed the first interest-free time-based currency LETS Local Employment-Trading Software. Work for me, I pay you with an IOU for the time. When new community currencies are launched these days, LETS is still often mentioned as the precursor of local community interest-free currencies. The LETS software is why I was invited to speak at the United Nations Millennium Forum where they passed my resolution C6 in the Millennium Declaration to "restructure the global financial architecture" with an "alternative time-based currency." https://i-p-o.org/millennium_forum.htm Someday, your time will be your collateral, not yellow rock! MARIJUANA PROHIBITION INVALID In 2001, I was the only person who noticed that Health Canada did not create an regime to exempt Terry Parker within the 1 year they were given if they wanted to keep the possession prohibition alive! So in 2003 I drafted his appeal and made the Crown drop 4,000 charges while the law was dead: http://SmartestMan.ca/stay4k.jpg That's 4,000 charges proving the law was dead but the Court of Appeal then said their fixing the exemption made the prohibition alive again. We've argued only Parliament can bring a law back alive but all judges obeyed the new court-Ordered prohibition anyway. GLOBAL WARMERS HIDE COOLING While the world may decry the global warming hoaxers after the ClimateGate emails in 2009 caught them using a "trick to hide the decline," I do not find fault with a scientifically elegant trick being used but am the only one to find fault with them "HIDING" the decline. And I do find fault with politicians who remain fooled: http://SmartestMan.Ca/globalwarming Well know best when we need more furnaces and less air conditioners. TRUMP NAZI SMEAR When President Trump said there were "fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville protests, the Democrat MainStreamMedia reported that the "fine people" were the Nazis by omitting that he had then said "the statue people, not the Nazis." On Nov 9, five days after the election, Dilbert's Scott Adams said 3 times in Episode 1182 that if Trump had only just done this one thing, it would have won him the election. I'm the only person who made a video "Lift the Charlottesville Nazi Target off Trumpers' backs" on Oct 13, 3 weeks before the election about the winning move to play the omitted line to their faces and demand apology for a lie by omission that caused the deaths of the Portland kid. Trump's ultimate Ace. "No one's going to mourn a dead Nazi" is all his mom heard on the news that night. Sadly, Youtube took down the video with no community strike. Quietly! Surreptitiously. My video "Youtube downs "How Trump Wins" video quietly, no strike." https://rumble.com/vf0o03-youtube-downs-how-trump-wins- video-quietly-no-strike.html explains. If Trump had seen the video, would he have won the election as Adams says! Decide for yourself: I posted it at Rumble: https://rumble.com/ve4xp1-lift-the-charlottesville-nazi- target-off-trumpers-backs.html Most interesting in the Trump era is the exposure of the Deep State most people were unaware was running their world. A.G. Bill Barr let FBI Directory Comey off the hook and all of the major Spygate conspirators escaped justice. Only one junior lawyer was convicted of changing a CIA letter from "Carter Page does work for us" to Carter Page "does NOT work for us," thus getting the FISA warrant to tap everyone whom Page contacted in the campaign and everyone whom they contacted. Most people don't know that a FISA warrant gets the communications of not only Carter Page and everyone he contacted, 1st hop, but also everyone they contacted, 2nd hop. If Page spoke to Ivanka, did she speak to Don Jr.? If Page messaged Don Jr. or Eric, did they message Don Sr. The more people Page contacted in the campaign, the greater likelihood of netting President Trump. So the kid's addition of one "Not" caught Trump in the net and he was given probation! So nobody involved in the coup did any time. My video: Clinesmith Gets Probation for Tapping Trump https://rumble.com/ve0bxj-clinesmith-gets-probation-for- tapping-trump.html And of course, the "Time Magazine Cabal" hired an "army of poll workers" who would be needed when the Dominion voting machines rejected large numbers of ballots to be sent for human adjudication by their "army of poll workers." The steal is statistically evident. But suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story saved the Dems 4% who wouldn't have voted for Biden if they'd known about the Big Guy's cut of the Ukrainian loot. The lead was so small everywhere that only Big Brother suppressing that one story stole the election from Trump. They're now calling it a Big Lie to say the Time Cabal army of poll workers and Big Brother suppressions stole the election! Big Brother fixed the race. BLM BLACK LIES MATTER When Black Lives Matter were rioting over more unarmed blacks being killed by cops, Tucker Carlson reported 10 were killed in 2019! No one except me bothered to find out how many were killed before 2019 for 10 to now be a crisis and only A.G. Bill Barr mentioned there were 38 killed in 2015! So killings went down 70% under Trump while Black Lies Matter rioted claiming killings had gone up! After 40 years of Human Rights Tribunals, I can't believe any systemic racism was left unchallenged by all those generations of Star Trekkies where alienism, let alone racism, were frowned upon. CENSORSHIP DISQUS Disqus is a platform that won't let me comment on their 750,000 major sites around the world. The sites don't have to bar my comments, Disqus does it for them without even telling them. http://SmartestMan.Ca/disqus Pretty centralized censorship by the platform that no one has noticed. So if you think being unfollowed may be bad at stunting output, imagine being prevented from commenting almost everywhere. YAHOOGROUPS I had a group with 20 years worth of posts at Yahoogroups so when Yahoogroups shut down, down went my comments. FACEBOOK TRUMP TWITS In Jul 2021, Facebook too down my Trump Twits page where I had my 5 years of commentary on US political activities. DR. MERCOLA In Jul 2021, Dr. Mercola was compelled to take down his archives of stories with so many of my commentaries. Sad to watch "Down the Memory Hole" going on. MOST ARRESTED CANDIDATE I hold the Guinness Record not only for 101 "most elections contested" and probably for most-arrested political candidate for objecting to being excluded from public debates by taking a seat until removed by officers with badges and guns. Youtube for "Turmel arrested." SHADOWBANNING I tried getting the Black Lies Matter claim of more cop killings when there were 70% less killings by Trump's police to a couple of hundred of his supporters on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube. Not one noticed and mentioned that Ace. I tried getting how to lift the Nazi smear off Trump and their backs too but none noticed. So did none notice or were Trump and his supporters that stupid? Or did the social media shadowban my posts so no one saw them. I can only conclude that none reacted to the Aces I was displaying because they didn't see them. The best proof is them taking down my "Not the Nazis" video without announcement! Had Trump seen it and dispelled the Nazi smear, the effort to cheat Orange Hitler would have come to naught when it was shown he wasn't Orange Hitler. Ah but when the Cabal's takedown of Trump is finally known, what an epic exposure of the powers that be. Youtube took down my video this year 2021 from 2011 on 911 Engineering Anomalies as "hate speech!" I appealed asking what protected group could have been threatened. Sure, readers may learn to hate bad engineers who said 1) Jumbo jets can do 500mph in dense sea-level air; 2) gasoline melts steel; 3) Aluminum tube pierces steel-concrete barriers to come out the other side, those engineers are not a protected group and I have the right to hate their guts. Youtube checked and still considered it hate speech. I pointed out how it wasn't true that I had encouraged hate against an identifiable protected group, was defamed, and I needed the video put back with the label taken down! Being very experienced in defamation law, check Youtube for Turmel Dragons Den, I sent them a Notice of Defamation that that hate speech label sitting on my video besmirches my pristine political reputation despite my convictions for gaming house offences and for possession of 3.3Kg supply of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking to Prime Minister Jean Chretien on Parliament Hill. Sentences were community service playing accordion in old folks homes. There's quite the crowd of souls in Heaven for whom I was their last good time on earth. Youtube "Turmel Accordion" for a few concerts. So I've done the basics for my defamation suit. I can trigger the suit at any time and a Canadian recently won the right to sue social media for defamation. YOUTUBE http://SmartestMan.Ca/kotp is where has posted all my videos. kotp is KingOfThePaupers 1) 20210202 Turmel: Join the $2 Federal Court Canada Covid Restrictions Challenge https://youtu.be/NnWLjNQoWQk filed in Federal Court of Canada asking for damages and to prohibit Covid Mitigation Restrictions or exempt me from them on grounds WHO comparing the Covid 3.4% CFR not the Flu's 10% CFR but to its 0.1% IFR hyped the threat a hundredfold. ZERO symptomless spread of 10 million tested in Wuhan. The math can be used to challenge the hoax everywhere. 2) https://youtu.be/NnWLjNQoWQk is my video on my http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf Statement of Claim explained in video 3) https://youtu.be/CvXR6N-vjcA Federal Court of Canada Covid Restrictions Challenge for prohibition of or exemption from Covid restrictions based on it being a statistical scam. 4) 20200430 Delay to cancel Fauci False Alarm costs lives https://youtu.be/1EZ2PUSVtnI YOUTUBE DELETED 5) 20200725 COVID Apple-Orange Data Hoax https://youtu.be/btrGKYYmJeI YOUTUBE DELETED 6) 1) Youtube Downs my COVID Apple Orange Data Hoax Video 20200826 https://youtu.be/ikoh_R8X7PY Youtube informs me my video COVID Apple-Orange Data Hoax was taken down for violating their community guidelines on contradicting WHO. They wouldn't tell me what part of it was objectionable so I'm going to redo it in pieces to find out which ones will be banned. 1) Apple-Oranging the Data (search Apple-Orange) 2) Pumping up the death count Mar 24 CDC 3) Children effective immunity 4) Lockdown effectiveness 5) Mask effectiveness 6) HCQ 7) June 8 Symptomless spread "very rare" 8) I challenge untested combinations of vaccines. They will be found at http://SmartestMan.Ca/kotp videos index 7) 20210222 Covid Federal Court Resistance 210222 https://youtu.be/rPi-YchcAjU CENSORED by Youtube. Watch it at Rumble: https://rumble.com/ve6vg5-covid-federal-court-resistance-210222.html https://www.facebook.com/john.turmel/videos/10159964010012281 8) 20210223 Covid Federal Court Resistance 210223 https://youtu.be/VuwqMdWJVxA CENSORED by Youtube. Watch it at Rumble: https://rumble.com/ve6vjr-covid-federal-court-resistance-210223.html https://www.facebook.com/john.turmel/videos/10160009604042281/ 20210224 Youtube deletes Covid Federal Court Resistance Videos https://rumble.com/ve6x1n-youtube-deletes-covid-federal-court-resistance-videos.html ------------------------------- JCT: So that's from my ebook detailing my attempts at using the reports on my court action to expose the hoax. My next book will be these reports on my election actions to expose the hoax. Sadly, it doesn't look good at this point but it only takes one national story to get out for us to win. People will be reading the list of names and wondering why they didn't warn their constituents. Dr. Mercola demonstrates how much more powerful the Apple Orange argument is than anything else. After threats, he takes down his articles after 48 hours so I save them. http://SmartestMan.Ca/merc210916.pdf has his answer to a CNN question: << Question: You say in your book that @A large amount of data strongly suggests the COVID - 19 vaccine may be completely unnecessary, which means the global population is being bamboozled into participating in a dangerous and unprecedented experiment for no good reason whatsoever." Can you please point us to that data that suggests the covid vaccines are unnecessary or dangerous? >. JCT: So what did Dr. Mercola say about unnecessary or dangerous: << Many studies and other literature offer support for my position in answering several of your questions, which are combined since they can be answered with the same literature. Here are the important points that drive my book: The vaccines are just 39% effective and waning, and the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has now advised booster doses to the mRNA vaccines in immuno-compromised persons. CDC's goal is to begin offering booster doses to everyone else beginning this fall.3,4,5,6 Additionally, breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated persons are becoming more and more prevalent around the world. Evidence is beginning to mount that people with breakthrough infections can spread the Delta variant more easily.7,8,9,10,11,12,13 Most recently, researchers in Israel report that fully vaccinated persons are up to 13 times more likely to get infected than those who have had a natural COVID infection. As explained by ScienceMag: The study @found in two analyses that people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher. The study also said that, while vaccinated persons who also had natural infection did appear to have additional protection against the Delta variant, the vaccinated were still at a greater risk for COVID-19-related- hospitalizations compared to those without the vaccine, but who were previously infected. Vaccinees who hadn't had a natural infection also had a 5.96-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease. This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity,@ study authors said.15 A majority of gravely ill patients in Israel are double vaccinated. A majority of deaths over 50 in England are also double vaccinated. Also, mass vaccination of the population with the highly mutating coronavirus will only evolve perfectly vaccine-resistant strains of the virus. >> JCT: Dr.Mercola's answer to why vaccines are unnecessary and dangerous was persuasive but long. I'd have said: Unnecessary: WHO compared Covid 3.4% CFR to Flu .1% IFR to Hype Covid Mortality Hundredfold! It's not 34 times worse, it's a third as bad as the Flu CFR. Dangerous: Spikes on the bloodstream walls cause clots. See his articles at my http://SmartestMan.Ca/mercola page And now I've been suspended from Twitter. << John Turmel KingofthePauper Cabs will soon allow passengers to choose drivers who are vaccinated against COVID-19. https://t.co/BT3ASsuMpc Jct: I'd be interested in choosing a driver who is not vaccinated, not shedding spike proteins. Aug 26, 2021, 2:57 PM Please note that while we review your appeal, you won't be able to access your Twitter account. We'll take a look and will respond as soon as possible. If you'd rather just delete the content, you can. Jct: it's been 3 weeks since suspension. I offered to take down the comment but I can't access my account to do that. But is that comment really a good reason to suspend me? For 3 weeks? Pretty well for the whole election. If 250 candidates had made an issue of the Apple Orange Trick. I'm amazed that none saw the potential to win if we got to expose it. Ah well, even if the candidates don't save us from the clots, so we'll have to now deal with the vax passport restrictions personally. A security guard asked me what to say when they mandate the jab. I could only say that he should hand in my Statement of Claim http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf that proves they're reacting to a hoax mortality rate. What can they say when you show them that the threat was exaggerated? As of now, the Apple Orange Trick was not only the one thing that could get us elected, it is the one thing that might save people from having to take their clots.