TURMEL: 9 Days to Expose Covid Mortality Hoax JCT: Second letter to People's Party candidates who know about the Apple Orange Covid Mortality Hoax: I sent you an email yesterday explaining how we've been tricked into lockdown and mandatory vaccines by WHO comparing the Covid CFR Apple to the Flu 100 times too small IFR Orange so "Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold." And Fluid Mechanics in Mechanical Engineering explain how spikes impeding laminar blood flow causes clots. Big enough, they can break off and hit the heart or brain. Duh! Do I need to explain more the danger of spikes protruding into our bloodstreams. Yes, millions of Canadians now have their clots. We can thanks Judge Mandy Aylen to whom the evidence of WHO suckering us was first shown and dismissed it. Here's how I have chastised her in verse every time I hear of someone dying of the jab after she found out on Feb 26, every death by clot, I share with the comment: Would he have taken clot shot if Judge Aylen him had told, "Covid Mortality is over-Hyped a Hundredfold?" Answer the this question of experimental life and death: Would you have taken clot show if Judge Aylen us had told, "Covid Mortality is over-Hyped a Hundredfold?" If I won't take a jab for a Flu, I certainly won't a jab for a 1/3 as dangerous mini-Fly once I find out the the Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold. Let's ask People's Party supporters who may have succumbed to the coercion and taken their jab today: Would you have taken jab if People's Party you had told "Covid Mortality is over-Hyped a Hundredfold." So if anyone you could have influenced today took their clots today, maybe they would have waited. And if you told them to Wikipedia for "Laminar Flow" to find out how the blood system is supposed to work without spikes sticking out, then for sure they would resist the coercion and vote for the candidate who also knows about Laminar Flow and the Apple Orange Trick. Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold is the title of my new $3 book at Amazon detailing my Statement of Claim and Crown defence against Federal Court calling off Covid restrictions because they fudged the numbers to hype the threat. Save the $3. http://SmartestMan.Ca/cbook.pdf is the last draft. This is beginning of school year. Many will be forced to make their kids get the clots. And you could have warned them of the danger. Even if we don't win, they will hear. Especially if we expose the Apple Orange Trick! Then they really have reason to get mad. This could be worst catastrophe in world history and fixing the victims of the jab will be our greatest challenge. But reducing the numbers is the optimal strategy. Fixing the broken comes next. So these are the 8 days that can save the world from spike clots in our kids. Because you know the Three Stooges have announced they are going to mandate the clots. Today's letter to the minor parties: ------------------------------- Sep 11 2021 http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19team is the list of candidates I have recommended with 51 from the Free Party. http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19069.txt is the letter I sent to the People's Party candidates I have endorsed. With about 160 minor party candidates taking first slots, that left about 180 People's Party candidates to fill out the roster and 10 days to shake the world. I told them that when the parties led by the Three Stooges want mandatory vaccines for all, if we can expose the Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold Hoax in the next 10 days, it might be enough to scare voters into voting for a long-shot rather than get their blood clots from their favorite parties. https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09dfgld8d is my new Amazon book Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold on our Federal Court case against lockdown. You can read the final draft here: http://SmartestMan.Ca/cbook.pdf So I need you and your candidates to call all the media you know and tell them about the hoax mortality! They won't know and it should stun them to find out. With the whole world in turmoil over vaccine mandates for a hyped hoax, we'll not only be saving Canadians but people in the whole world. I'll be sending out another message to the PP people with an amended poem: I can stick in anyone who heard about the Apple Orange hoax and didn't warn their family and friends: Would you have taken clot shot if x y z us had told "Covid mortality is overhyped a hundredfold?" So I need you to pass the PP letter along to your candidates and urge them to start calling the press to let them how know we were tricked with an Apple Orange comparison. 9 days left to save our world. If we don't expose the hoax, no one else will but they'll blame everyone who knew and didn't say. If we pull this off, we'll be heroes for the world. I'll do a countdown with a push every day. ------------------------------- JCT: The only way to stop them clotting our kids is for those of us who know how they tricked us and the danger we are in to sweep the election. A miracle in 10 days. Now 9, or untold Canadians will perish from clots. Being able to prove we got suckered into clots shots by an Apple Orange Trick so Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold should make them mad. It made me mad moreso because being Apple Oranged is so insulting. They must think we're pretty stupid to never check their fruit! You have 9 more days to talk it up, especially to press, and to the voters as well as fellow candidates. Surely you have some who have math in their background or medicine and can explain how CFR and IFR differ. I've done a great job explaining it in my Statement of Claim. Even a doctor should get the math. Make your own flyer from the data in mine: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19flyer.pdf or use mine, the Independent candidate in Brantford-Brant. The other major parties are the Stupid Duped. Duped who remain Duped are Stupid. But we only need stress 4 points; 1) Apple Orange Trick Hyped Covid Mortality Hundredfold; 2) Spikes Clot Blood Flow, Wikipedia "Laminar Flow" 3) Free D-Dimer test before clots plus capillaries. 4) Interest-free Bank of Canada credit card to tide you over and get back into business. Anyway, trust me, someday, someone is going to ask those who didn't scream about the danger: "We made a big mistake" said Dr. Bridle in alarm, "We didn't know the spike could travel, heart and brain to harm." When spike attaches in an artery, we find the flow, Impaired enough to have the blood clots start around to grow. Clots start in capillaries so you'll not yet feel the threat. As pumping blood gets harder, watch as bigger clots you'll get. Would you have taken clot shot if Judge Aylen had us told , Virus Mortality was over-hyped a hundredfold? Would you have taken novel jab had PEOPLE'S PARTY told "Covid mortality was overhyped a hundredfold?" You're on the hook like others are not because you are seeking to be a voice for your constituency. Now that you know how we were tricked, the danger of the spikes in laminar flow, D-Dimer testing, how can you not be screaming a warning to families to protect their kids. Remember, kids have so powerful an immune system that Iceland and Ireland announced zero transmission from any kid! The Statement of Claim mentions 1 youth dead in the first 6 months of the pandemic. And they shut the schools. But jabbing them with clots to protect against a disease that does not actually threaten them is not only insane but implies a hidden agenda. Nobody can be this nuts to jam kids with blood clots to protect against something that doesn't threaten them. So I need you to pass along the good news, we were suckered and the Boogeyman was never true but the remedy is the danger. All my reports upon which my book is based are at http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19reps All the documents in the book are at http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19docs We were suckered and you have better get unsuckered in time to help or you'll have to face some who Would not have taken clot shot if x y z them had told "Covid mortality is overhyped a hundredfold?" This is an emergency, and given you are being cheated out of being heard, your only chance to steal the limelight (something I've been noted for my whole career.) Catching world authorities in an Apple Orange Trick when the whole world missed it is my greatest claim to fame as http:// SmartestManOnEarth.Ca http://SmartestMan.Ca for short Being able to explain the danger of spikes causing eddies in laminar flow better than anyone else helps too. Stay tuned for tomorrow's 8 days to go after 2 days worth of possible jabs since you found out Covid Mortality Hyped Hundredfold!