TURMEL: May 21 Crown Motion to Strike "No Lockdown" Actions JCT: There are 77 plaintiffs who have filled out the template to file an action in Federal Court for a $2 filing fee; here's my Lead: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf We were given a Case Management Judge who ordered the Crown "Canada" Defendant to file their motion to strike our actions for having no cause of action by Friday May 21 2021, tomorrow. Here's Canada's problem as cited by Justice Brown in my appeal of her decision to take up to 11 weeks for a 2-week process under the regular rules on July 20 2018 Citation: 2018 FC 765 in ALLAN J. HARRIS and HMTQ explaining that a Motion to Strike for no cause of action cannot include new evidence, only what's in the pleadings: 15. The moving party bears the onus of meeting the test set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in Hunt v Carey Canada Inc, 1990 2 SCR 959 Hunt: Al Omani v Canada, 2017 FC 786 per Roy J. at paras 12-16: 12 The test to strike a claim under Rule 221 sets a high bar. First, it is assumed that the facts stated in the statement of claim can be proven. The Court must be satisfied that it is plain and obvious that the pleading discloses no reasonable cause of action assuming the facts pleaded are true:.. JCT: So it is assumed that the facts can be proven... Here are our fact we say can be proven and the Crown has to say that even if true, we have no cause to be upset. From out flyer: When we`re told: "Lockdown is for your own greater good," it's no answer to chant "We need freedom,"or "It hurts too much" but "How is fudging the numbers to hype the threat a hundredfold and lying about symptomless spread for our own good?" is the reason for righteous anger. Not knowing when Apple is compared to Orange can trick people. You didn't know they compared the Covid CFR Apple to the Flu IFR Orange. AppleOrangeResistance are angry Plaintiffs who found out and filed a Statement of Claim template in Federal Court of Canada for a $2 fee for damages suffered from Covid Restrictions on grounds: - 1) WHO's comparing the Covid 3.4% "Apple" CFR "Case Fatality Rate" not to Flu's known 10% CFR "Apple" but to the 100-times smaller Flu 0.1% "Orange" IFR "Infection Fatality Rate" exaggerated the threat by a hundredfold; - 2) CDC said masked social distanced lockdowns were needed when "most coronavirus cases spread from people with no symptoms." An asymptomatic spreader would unknowningly infect clusters of family and friends. WHO found "NO documented asymptomatic transmission." Wuhan tested 10 million with ZERO asymptomatic spread; - 3) On Nov 15 2020, CTV reported 10,947 deaths had 10,781 in long-term care (98.5%) omitting the difference of only 166 deaths (1.5%) not in long-term-care! Now deleted from their online video. 166 deaths from 38,000,000 non- long-term-care Canadians is 0.00044%: 1 in 230,000! Old, fat, diabetic and vitamin-D-deficient die, almost no healthy Canadians. Ontario reported 1 death under 20-years-old so the idiots closed down the schools to prevent a second. 4) On Mar 24 2020 CDC hyped the deaths by changing the death certificate guidelines to count deaths by murders, suicides, accidents WITH Covid as FROM Covid. Their site admits only 6% died FROM Covid alone. 5) The number of cases was hyped with many false positives from PCR machines set too sensitive. Tanzanian President John Magufuli submitted goat, sheep and papaya samples that tested positive. Rest in Peace Mar 18. 6) France's Didier Raoult used 1 gram of HCQ and lost only 0.8% of patients. Bill Gates' UK Oxford Recovery test used 9.6 total grams to lose 25.7%. Ten times the overdose was really murder on Bill Gates' patients. So those are the facts we can take as deemed proven. So now the Crown has to say that they have good reason to be violating our rights despite all the 1) fudging, 2) lying, 3) hiding, 4) hyping deaths, 5) hyping cases, 6) overdosing. And the Crown has to justify lockdowns given that is proven! So, tomorrow is going to a be a big day in the Resistance to the Apple-Orange comparison because nothing is more red- handed than getting caught comparing Apple to Orange, here, Watermelon to Grape! How would you feel being the Crown and Judge with the job of keeping lockdown going on?