TURMEL: No security needed for plaintiffs JCT: I've heard some people are wondering if the Crown's request for security is meant for them. It's not. You'll remember in my report on the Crown's Feb 11 letter: Canada.. will also seek orders that the plaintiffs with unpaid costs awards provide security for costs prior to proceeding. JCT: I commented: That's aimed at my brother Ray who owes some court cost judgments unpaid as yet that prevented another of his actions from going forward. JCT: So if you do not have an unpaid costs award like my brother Ray, you are not one of of the plaintiffs with an unpaid costs award. And no plaintiff who did nothing more th an wait to see what happened to the Lead Plaintiff got hit with costs, only the Lead Plainfiff. I responded to the Case Management Judge on Feb 15: The Defendant notes some plaintiffs have previous unpaid judgments and ask that security be posted. Considering the no-cash cost of emailling out a copy of the documentation, after the first case is decided, those plaintiffs could then decide if it is worth putting up security. JCT: So it only applies to anyone who did a template with me in previous cases and went higher to get hit with costs. My brother Ray is the only plaintiff I can think of. And Igor Mozajko but his case is still on its way to the Supreme Court. Can't call his unpaid yet. So if you don't have any previous unpaid cost judgments, it does not apply to you. It was purely a shot to inconvenience my brother.