TURMEL: Youtube downs Covid Federal Court Resistance videos 1) https://rumble.com/ve6vg5-covid-federal-court-resistance-210222.html Covid Federal Court Resistance 210222 Taken down! First nightly report on the Federal Court of Canada actions to prohibit Covid restrictions by http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19list of self-represented plaintiffs. Watch it at Rumble: Youtube: Warning Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines. Affected content https://youtu.be/rPi-YchcAjU 00:00 ` 52:31 This video is now visible only to you and will be removed entirely within 7 days Because it's the first time, your account isn't affected. You're only warned once and this warning will remain on your channel. If this happens again Your channel will get a Community Guidelines strike. You won't be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week. Content removed If you think we made a mistake, you can appeal this decision Warning on February 24, 2021 JCT: I appealed. It was rejected: Covid Federal Court Resistance 210222 Medical misinformation Appeal submitted Feb 24, 2021 Strike on February 24, 2021 Expires May 25 JCT: Gave them Notice of Defamation I've already given you notice of defamation. Check your legal department. Now you've left me no choice. Put it back or see the judge. 2) https://youtu.be/VuwqMdWJVxA was then taken down: Covid Federal Court Resistance 210223 No description available Medical misinformation Appeal submitted Feb 24, 2021 JCT: Watch it at Rumble: https://rumble.com/ve6vjr-covid-federal-court-resistance-210223.html JCT: I appealed and no answer yet on the second appeal. I've been censored by Youtube before. 3) https://youtu.be/ikoh_R8X7PY 20200826 Youtube Downs my Covid Data Hoax Video Youtube informs me my video Covid Apple-Orange Data Hoax was taken down for violating their community guidelines on contradicting WHO. They wouldn't tell me what part of it was objectionable so I'm going to redo it in pieces to find out which ones will be banned. 1) Apple Oranging the Data (search Apple-Orange) 2) Pumping up the death count Mar 24 CDC 3) Children effective immunity 4) Lockdown effectiveness 5) Mask effectiveness 6) HCQ 7) June 8 symptomless spread very rare 8) I challenge untested combinations of vaccines. They will be found at http://SmartestMan.Ca/kotp videos index. JCT: Lost it, no Rumble. They left the part videos up. So it must have been the cumulative effect of the full that spooked the censors. 4) Before that, had a 2013 video on 911 engineering anomalies that is labeled taken down for "hate speech." I appealed there was no hate against any protected group talking about physics. Youtube rejected the appeal and I served Notice of Defamation that I have a pristine political reputation despite convictions for keeping the biggest gaming house in history (OPP Project Robin Hood) and for possession of 7 pounds of marijuana for the Purpose of Trafficking to Prime Minister Chretien on Parliament Hill. (I've done a few defamation suits, Youtube Turmel Dragons Den for the 40 minute version of the 1 minute program). 5) And I found that Youtube took down another recent video without informing me at all! That important! 5) https://youtu.be/kwOWMdJ1mnM . Lift the Charlottesville Nazi target off Trumpers backs Trumpers who rebut: Go read the transcript, Trump said "Not the Nazis!" cannot demand immediate apology for the Lie by Omission of the second part. But playing the second part on tape right in their faces allows for the instant demand of apology for omitting the truth to trick the Children of the Demned into thinking Trump and followers are Nazi White Supremacists. Would making Dems apologize for the Find Nazi Lie of Omission have been the biggest factor in the election? Why did they take it down? Watch it at Rumble: https://rumble.com/ve4xp1-lift-the-charlottesville-nazi-target-off-trumpers-backs.html And do check out my next key videos on that subject: https://youtu.be/DvEBYDUq20U Scott Adams Sees Trump Ace Too Late, No Raise.. Scott Adams is the second person online who has seen how Trump could have cinched the election by smashing the Fine Nazi Lie of Omission. But he misplays it too. 20210212 "Not the Nazis" omission is Sword of Damocles over Dem heads https://rumble.com/vdtjsn-not-the-nazis-omission-is-sword-of-damocles-over-dem-heads.html Trump said: "There fine people on both sides... the statue people, not the Nazis" where MSM omitted "the statue people, not the Nazis." TajProfessor Move is play the clip https://youtu.be/KPZyLE14fI4 in their faces and make them apologize to the kid's mama for their smear getting the Portland Trumper ambushed. "Nazi Lives Don't Matter" and "No one mourns a dead Nazi" she watched about her son on the news. Getting the Fine Nazi smear dispelled would have deterred all those armies of poll workers and posties from cheating Orange "No-Longer-Hitler." Scott Adams is right, it really would have won the election if Trump had played the Fine Nazi card right to dispelling the smear. So the 911 video suppressed, the Fine Nazi video suppressed and 3 Covid videos suppressed. Don't I feel honored. In my political youth, I was often called a "gadfly." I thought it was an insult until I read that a "gadfly" was a big annoying "fly that bites cattle."