TURMEL: Booed by Nazi supporters at June 1 2023 Embro debate JCT: Seven candidates, 1-minute open and close 6:25 Intro Statement Same education as Mr. Spock SMOE caught Covid Apple Orange miscomparison In Supreme Court asking to declare False Alarm Trudeau admits vaccines don't work. 14:20 Q1: Food & Carbon Tax Global warming to Climate Change http://SmartestMan.Ca/globalwarming hoax 1998 No faders for bet next year is colder Abiotic Oil, Dinosaurs didn't bury themselves 5 miles down Keep discovering more, no peak oil Europe boycotted Russian oil before wind & solar ready Shutting down farms to fight carbon rise Destroy food production for non-existent threat. Federal Tax Court Expert in Mathk 26:15 Q2: Protect family farms from 1979 election to legalize gambling, Inflation? Gov chips inflate, casino chips do not. http://SmartestMan.Ca/biglie of Economics Ran to reprogram BoC for I-free credit cards 107 elections fighting mort-gage death-gamble 38:40 Q3: Ensure Public Health Care? http://SmartestMan.Ca/1974 BoC i-free funding closed 1968 6% to 60% BoC picket for 5 years Make i-free to govs and people too. 1:03:30 Q4: Reduce fertilizer emissions? Nothing more stupid than cutting back on food http://SmartestMan.Ca/globalwarming hoax poetry Investing in A.C. instead of furnaces 1:16:00 Q5 Losing farmland to housing developments Young people can't afford familes, homes Farmstead v urban cage choice I-free only pay depreciation and repair Without credit, congregate in cities, smoke pot, 1:28:00 Q6: Rural Infrastructure Investment? http://SmartestMan.Ca/1974 BoC. Spock Sugar Daddy Debt Since they shut BoC i-free loans, never enough funding Only 1 solution to not enough... more.. 1:39:10 Q7: Rising Crime? Mort-gage musical chairs losers will fight, cheat, steal, Interest creates the shortage to create the reaction Why crime with I-free credit card and lifetime to repay? Jobs board, dirtiest jobs paid the most Don't need more cops, prisons, need less criminals Fight before being morted 1:51:00 Q8: How much food price rise to farmers? Election to abolish interest, asked courts, pay studenst with Bus Buck tickets to shovel snow. I financed LETS in 1984 to allow single parents to log on what nights to double-duty babysit and pay with Hour IOUs even if broke. Greens, CHP, even NDP 1997 supported LETS. U.N. Millennium Declaration UNILETS Set up your own 2:05:00 Closing Statement 1930s Stalin's Commies Holodomor, So Ukrainians joined liberator Nazis. 1960s, nukes in Cuba. Kennedy threatening invasion Nato nukes in Ukraine. Putin had to invade. Parliament's shameful support of Nazis. I don't. Shouldn't have tried to put nukes on Russia's border. Booed by Nazi supporters at Embro debate Now you're Nazi supporters, 2 years ago you weren't. What changed?